
AVAudioUnitEQ для AVPlayer?

Всем добрый день! Я транслирую аудио-поток с помощью AVPlayer. Вопрос такой - как к нему можно прикрутить AVAudioUnitEQ?
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подключить можно через AVAudioEngine

EQNode = AVAudioUnitEQ(numberOfBands: 2)
EQNode.globalGain = 1

let filterParams = EQNode.bands[0] as AVAudioUnitEQFilterParameters

filterParams.filterType = .resonantLowShelf

// 20hz to nyquist
filterParams.frequency = 2000.0

//The value range of values is 0.05 to 5.0 octaves
filterParams.bandwidth = 0.05//5.0

filterParams.bypass = false

// in db -96 db through 24 d
filterParams.gain = 1.0

let filterParams2 = EQNode.bands[1] as AVAudioUnitEQFilterParameters

filterParams2.filterType = .lowPass

// 20hz to nyquist
filterParams2.frequency = 2000.0

//The value range of values is 0.05 to 5.0 octaves
filterParams2.bandwidth = 5.0

filterParams2.bypass = false

// in db -96 db through 24 d
filterParams2.gain = 1.0

audioEngine.connect(EQNode, to: audioEngine.mainMixerNode, format: buffer!.format)
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