Sub searchAddress()
Dim rows, i, max, index As Long
Dim address, addressArr As String
rows = Cells(1, 1).End(xlDown).Row
'MsgBox (rows)
Dim arrStreet(), arrHouse(), arrCampus(), yearArr(), wArr(), cwArr() As String
Dim cYearArr() As Integer
Dim countY, countW As Integer
ReDim arrStreet(rows - 1)
ReDim arrHouse(rows - 1)
ReDim arrCampus(rows - 1)
For i = 1 To rows
arrStreet(i - 1) = Cells(i, 71)
arrHouse(i - 1) = Cells(i, 15)
arrCampus(i - 1) = Cells(i, 34)
Next i
For strows = 1 To rows
countY = 0
countW = 0
ReDim yearArr(countY)
ReDim cYearArr(countY)
ReDim wArr(countW)
ReDim cwArr(countW)
address = arrStreet(strows) & arrHouse(strows) & arrCampus(strows)
For i = strows To rows - 1
addressArr = arrStreet(i) & arrHouse(i) & arrCampus(i)
If address = addressArr Then
If Cells(i + 1, 5) <> "" Then
countY = countY + 1
ReDim Preserve yearArr(countY)
ReDim Preserve cYearArr(countY)
cYearArr(countY) = Int(0)
yearArr(countY) = Cells(i + 1, 5)
For x = 0 To countY
If yearArr(countY) = yearArr(x) Then
cYearArr(countY) = cYearArr(countY) + 1
End If
Next x
ElseIf Cells(i + 1, 6) <> "" Then
countY = countY + 1
ReDim Preserve yearArr(countY)
ReDim Preserve cYearArr(countY)
cYearArr(countY) = 0
yearArr(countY) = Cells(i + 1, 6)
For x = 0 To countY
If yearArr(countY) = yearArr(x) Then
cYearArr(countY) = cYearArr(countY) + 1
End If
Next x
End If
If Cells(i + 1, 36) <> "" Then
countW = countW + 1
ReDim Preserve wArr(countW)
ReDim Preserve cwArr(countW)
cwArr(countW) = 0
wArr(countW) = Cells(i + 1, 36)
For x = 0 To countW
If wArr(countW) = wArr(x) Then
cwArr(countW) = cwArr(countW) + 1
End If
Next x
End If
Cells(i + 1, 90) = 1
End If
Next i
max = 0
index = 0
For y = 0 To countY
If max < cYearArr(y) Then
max = cYearArr(y)
index = y
End If
Next y
For x = 2 To rows
If Cells(x, 90) = 1 Then
Cells(x, 91) = yearArr(index)
Cells(x, 90) = 2
End If
Next x
max = 0
index = 0
For y = 0 To countW
If max < cwArr(y) Then
max = cwArr(y)
index = y
End If
Next y
For x = 2 To rows
If Cells(x, 90) = 2 Then
Cells(x, 92) = wArr(index)
Cells(x, 90) = 3
End If
Next x
Next strows
End Sub
next x
For i = 1 To rows
arrStreet(i - 1) = Cells(i, 71)
arrHouse(i - 1) = Cells(i, 15)
arrCampus(i - 1) = Cells(i, 34)
Next i
'таким образом мы убираем цикл длиной в 180к *3 обращений к листу
' если протестировать затраты времени только на этом участке, экономия будет колоссальная
arrStreet = range(Cells(1, 71), Cells(rows, 71))
arrHouse = range(Cells(1, 15), Cells(rows, 15))
arrCampus = range(Cells(1, 34), Cells(rows, 34))
' Но т.к. теперь мы имеем 2х мерные массивы, их надо обратить в одномерные, т.к. последующий код использует одномерные.
arrStreet = WorksheetFunction.Transpose(arrStreet)
arrHouse = WorksheetFunction.Transpose(arrHouse )
arrCampus = WorksheetFunction.Transpose(arrCampus )