Есть такой класс
use Yii;
use yii\db\ActiveRecord;
use yii\behaviors\TimestampBehavior;
use yii\db\Expression;
* This is the model class for table "game_zones".
* @property int $id
* @property string $name
* @property string $status
* @property string $start_of_set
* @property string $start_of_game
* @property string $end_of_game
class GameZones extends ActiveRecord
const ZONE_STATUS_SET = 'set';
const ZONE_STATUS_GAME = 'game';
const ZONE_STATUS_GAME_OVER = 'game_over';
* {@inheritdoc}
public static function tableName()
return 'game_zones';
* {@inheritdoc}
public function rules()
return [
[['name', 'status', 'start_of_set'], 'required'],
[['status'], 'string'],
[['start_of_set', 'start_of_game', 'end_of_game'], 'safe'],
[['name'], 'string', 'max' => 3],
public function __construct(array $config = [])
$this->name = self::makeName();
$this->status = self::ZONE_STATUS_SET;
public function behaviors()
return [
'class' => TimestampBehavior::class,
'attributes' => [
ActiveRecord::EVENT_BEFORE_INSERT => ['start_of_set'],
'value' => new Expression('NOW()'),
* {@inheritdoc}
public function attributeLabels()
return [
'id' => 'ID',
'name' => 'Name',
'status' => 'Status',
'start_of_set' => 'Start Of Set',
'start_of_game' => 'Start Of Game',
'end_of_game' => 'End Of Game',
public static function makeName()
$name = 'A01';
$lastZone = self::find()->orderBy(['name' => SORT_DESC])->one();
if ($lastZone) {
$lastName = $lastZone->name;
if (preg_replace('/\D/', '', $lastName) != 99) {
$name = ++$lastName;
} else {
$prefix = preg_replace('/\d/', '', $lastName);
$name = ++$prefix . '01';
return $name;
При вызове makeName(), получается бесконечно повторяющийся запрос к БД

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