Всем доброго времени суток! Есть у меня бот, на python, для контролирования конференции ВКонтакте.
И вот в нём, есть такая команда "+ban" и когда я её ввожу, то пользователя блокирует в конференции но не исключает (если он там есть). Как сделать, чтобы исключало?
Ниже дал вам код команд "+кик" (исключение) и "+ban"
from handler.base_plugin import BasePlugin
from vk.helpers import parse_user_id
class AdminPlugin(BasePlugin):
__slots__ = ("admins", "moders", "banset", "prefixes", "commands", "setadmins")
def __init__(self, commands=None, admins=None, moders=None, banset=None, prefixes=(), setadmins=True):
"""Allows admins to ban people and control admins for plugins.
Admins are global.
Moders are local for chats"""
self.commands = list(commands) if commands else ["ban", "unban", "addadmin", "unadmin", "addmoder", "unmoder", "banlist", "admins"]
self.admins = list(admins) if admins else list()
self.moders = moders if moders else {}
self.banset = list(banset) if banset else list()
self.setadmins = setadmins
self.prefixes = prefixes
def initiate(self):
if not self.setadmins:
for plugin in self.handler.plugins:
if hasattr(plugin, "admins"):
plugin.admins = self.admins
def get_pathes(self):
return self.get_path("/admins.notjson"), self.get_path("/moders.notjson"), self.get_path("/batset.notjson")
def stop(self):
def load(self):
path_admins, path_moders, path_banset = self.get_pathes()
with open(path_admins, "r") as o:
for u in o.read().split(","):
if u and int(u) not in self.admins: self.admins.append(int(u))
except FileNotFoundError:
with open(path_moders, "r") as o:
current_chat = None
for u in o.read().split(","):
if not u:
if u[:2] == "ci":
current_chat = int(u[2:])
moders = self.moders.get(current_chat, [])
if int(u) not in moders:
self.moders[current_chat] = moders
except FileNotFoundError:
with open(path_banset, "r") as o:
for u in o.read().split(","):
if u and int(u) not in self.banset and int(u) not in self.admins: self.banset.append(u)
except FileNotFoundError:
def save(self):
path_admins, path_moders, path_banset = self.get_pathes()
with open(path_admins, "w") as o:
for u in self.admins:
o.write(str(u) + ",")
with open(path_moders, "w") as o:
for k, v in self.moders.items():
o.write("ci" + str(k) + ",")
for u in v:
o.write(str(u) + ",")
with open(path_banset, "w") as o:
for u in self.banset:
o.write(str(u) + ",")
async def check_message(self, msg):
return any(c in msg.text for c in self.commands)
async def process_message(self, msg):
text = msg.text
for p in self.prefixes:
if msg.text.startswith(p):
text = text.replace(p, "", 1)
if text == self.commands[6]:
users = ""
temp = ""
temp_amount = 0
for bu in self.banset:
temp += bu + ","
temp_amount += 1
if temp_amount > 99:
for u in (await self.api.users.get(user_ids=temp) or []):
users += u["first_name"] + " " + u["last_name"] + f" ({u['id']}), "
temp = ""
temp_amount = 0
if temp_amount:
for u in (await self.api.users.get(user_ids=temp) or []):
users += u["first_name"] + " " + u["last_name"] + f" ({u['id']}), "
return await msg.answer("Заблокированные пользователи:\n" + (users[:-2] if users[:-2] else "Нет"))
if text == self.commands[7]:
a_users = ""
for u in (await self.api.users.get(user_ids=",".join(str(u) for u in self.admins)) or []):
a_users += u["first_name"] + " " + u["last_name"] + f" ({u['id']}), "
m_users = ""
for u in (await self.api.users.get(user_ids=",".join(str(u) for u in msg.meta["moders"])) or []):
m_users += u["first_name"] + " " + u["last_name"] + f" ({u['id']}), "
return await msg.answer("Администраторы:\n" + (a_users[:-2] if a_users[:-2] else "Нет") + "\n"
"Модераторы:\n" + (m_users[:-2] if m_users[:-2] else "Нет"))
if not msg.meta["is_admin"] and not msg.meta["is_moder"]:
return await msg.answer("Вы не администратор!")
puid = await parse_user_id(msg)
if not puid:
return await msg.answer(f"ID указан не верно")
if text.startswith(self.commands[0]):
if puid in self.banset:
return await msg.answer("Пользователь уже заблокирован")
if puid in self.admins or puid in msg.meta["moders"]:
return await msg.answer("Блокировка администраторов запрещена")
return await msg.answer(f"{puid} заблокирован")
if text.startswith(self.commands[1]):
if puid not in self.banset:
return await msg.answer(f"{puid} не заблокирован")
return await msg.answer(f"{puid} разблокирован")
if text.startswith(self.commands[2]):
if not msg.meta["is_admin"]:
return await msg.answer(f"Вы не администратор")
if len(self.admins) > 99:
return await msg.answer(f"Уже максимум администраторов")
if puid in self.admins:
return await msg.answer("Уже администратор")
if puid in self.banset:
return await msg.answer("Этот пользователь забанен")
return await msg.answer(f"{puid} выданы права администрирования")
if text.startswith(self.commands[3]):
if puid not in self.admins:
return await msg.answer(f"{puid} не администратор")
return await msg.answer(f"{puid} сняты права администратора")
if text.startswith(self.commands[4]):
if len(msg.meta["moders"]) > 50:
return await msg.answer(f"Уже максимум модераторов")
if puid in msg.meta["moders"]:
return await msg.answer("Уже модератор")
return await msg.answer(f"{puid} выданы права модератора")
if text.startswith(self.commands[5]):
if puid not in msg.meta["moders"]:
return await msg.answer(f"{puid} не модератор")
return await msg.answer(f"{puid} сняты права модератора")
async def global_before_message(self, msg, plugin):
for n, s in (("admin", self.admins), ("banned", self.banset)):
msg.meta[f"is_{n}"] = msg.user_id in s
moders = self.moders.get(msg.chat_id, [])
msg.meta[f"is_moder"] = msg.user_id in moders
self.moders[msg.chat_id] = moders
msg.meta["admins"] = self.admins
msg.meta["moders"] = self.moders[msg.chat_id]
msg.meta["banset"] = self.banset
return not msg.meta["is_banned"]