Добрый день.
Помогите разобраться с обновлением.
Команда Yii выпустила набор важных обновлений для фреймворка и расширений, касающийся вопросов безопасности.
Я использую
Согласно рекомендаций
в статье на habrahabr для обновления моей версии надо использовать команду
composer require "yiisoft/yii2":"~"
. После выполнения этой команды приложение обновилось до версии
Если же использовать команду
composer update
, то версия обновляется до и после обновления в консоли выводится предупреждения и рекомендации по правке кода.
КонсольSeems you have upgraded Yii Framework from version to
Please check the upgrade notes for possible incompatible changes
and adjust your application code accordingly.
Upgrade from Yii 2.0.14
* When hash format condition (array) is used in `yii\db\ActiveRecord::findOne()` and `findAll()`, the array keys (column names)
are now limited to the table column names. This is to prevent SQL injection if input was not filtered properly.
You should check all usages of `findOne()` and `findAll()` to ensure that input is filtered correctly.
If you need to find models using different keys than the table columns, use `find()->where(...)` instead.
It's not an issue in the default generated code though as ID is filtered by
controller code:
The following code examples are **not** affected by this issue (examples shown for `findOne()` are valid also for `findAll()`):
// yii\web\Controller ensures that $id is scalar
public function actionView($id)
$model = Post::findOne($id);
// ...
// casting to (int) or (string) ensures no array can be injected (an exception will be thrown so this is not a good practise)
$model = Post::findOne((int) Yii::$app->request->get('id'));
// explicitly specifying the colum to search, passing a scalar or array here will always result in finding a single record
$model = Post::findOne(['id' => Yii::$app->request->get('id')]);
The following code however **is vulnerable**, an attacker could inject an array with an arbitrary condition and even exploit SQL injection:
$model = Post::findOne(Yii::$app->request->get('id'));
For the above example, the SQL injection part is fixed with the patches provided in this release, but an attacker may still be able to search
records by different condition than a primary key search and violate your application business logic. So passing user input directly like this can cause problems and should be avoided.
You can find the upgrade notes for all versions online at:
Скажите, как, всё таки, правильно обновиться с Могут ли возникнуть проблемы, если я обновлюсь сразу до