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Zabbix web страница не запускается centos7-ispmgr где проблемам?

Здарова всем.
Мучаюсь 3 дня
Есть сервер VPS рабочий на нем уже работаю сайта также стоит centos7-ispmgr 5

Поставил я Zabbix работает: zabbix-server и zabbix-agent
Но вот открываю server_ip_or_name/zabbix
И по итогу ошибка 500 в чем прикол не понятно

Смотрю логи но информации нет особо в сети
891:20180319:194907.012 Got signal [signal:15(SIGTERM),sender_pid:2899,sender_uid:0,reason:0]. Exiting ...
   891:20180319:194909.013 [Z3001] connection to database 'zabbix' failed: [2002] Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock' (2)
   891:20180319:194909.013 Cannot connect to the database. Exiting...
   870:20180319:194923.767 Starting Zabbix Server. Zabbix 3.4.7 (revision 77720).
   870:20180319:194923.769 ****** Enabled features ******
   870:20180319:194923.769 SNMP monitoring:           YES
   870:20180319:194923.769 IPMI monitoring:           YES
   870:20180319:194923.769 Web monitoring:            YES
   870:20180319:194923.769 VMware monitoring:         YES
   870:20180319:194923.769 SMTP authentication:       YES
   870:20180319:194923.769 Jabber notifications:      YES
   870:20180319:194923.769 Ez Texting notifications:  YES
   870:20180319:194923.769 ODBC:                      YES
   870:20180319:194923.769 SSH2 support:              YES
   870:20180319:194923.769 IPv6 support:              YES
   870:20180319:194923.770 TLS support:               YES
   870:20180319:194923.770 ******************************
   870:20180319:194923.770 using configuration file: /etc/zabbix/zabbix_server.conf
   870:20180319:194923.781 [Z3001] connection to database 'zabbix' failed: [2002] Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock' (2)
   870:20180319:194923.781 database is down: reconnecting in 10 seconds
   870:20180319:194933.786 database connection re-established
   870:20180319:194933.795 current database version (mandatory/optional): 03040000/03040006
   870:20180319:194933.795 required mandatory version: 03040000
   870:20180319:194933.898 server #0 started [main process]
  2666:20180319:194933.899 server #1 started [configuration syncer #1]
  2667:20180319:194933.900 server #2 started [alerter #1]
  2668:20180319:194933.900 server #3 started [alerter #2]
  2669:20180319:194933.900 server #4 started [alerter #3]
  2670:20180319:194933.901 server #5 started [housekeeper #1]
  2671:20180319:194933.901 server #6 started [timer #1]
  2672:20180319:194933.902 server #7 started [http poller #1]
  2673:20180319:194933.903 server #8 started [discoverer #1]
  2674:20180319:194933.903 server #9 started [history syncer #1]
  2676:20180319:194933.904 server #10 started [history syncer #2]
  2677:20180319:194933.905 server #11 started [history syncer #3]
  2681:20180319:194933.908 server #14 started [proxy poller #1]
  2684:20180319:194933.913 server #16 started [task manager #1]
  2689:20180319:194933.914 server #21 started [poller #5]
  2687:20180319:194933.917 server #19 started [poller #3]
  2679:20180319:194933.918 server #12 started [history syncer #4]
  2680:20180319:194933.918 server #13 started [escalator #1]
  2688:20180319:194933.920 server #20 started [poller #4]
  2682:20180319:194933.920 server #15 started [self-monitoring #1]
  2685:20180319:194933.921 server #17 started [poller #1]
  2693:20180319:194933.924 server #24 started [trapper #2]
  2686:20180319:194933.924 server #18 started [poller #2]
  2694:20180319:194933.926 server #25 started [trapper #3]
  2691:20180319:194933.927 server #22 started [unreachable poller #1]
  2692:20180319:194933.930 server #23 started [trapper #1]
  2696:20180319:194933.930 server #26 started [trapper #4]
  2697:20180319:194933.932 server #27 started [trapper #5]
  2699:20180319:194933.933 server #29 started [alert manager #1]
  2698:20180319:194933.935 server #28 started [icmp pinger #1]
  2700:20180319:194933.935 server #30 started [preprocessing manager #1]
  2703:20180319:194934.024 server #33 started [preprocessing worker #3]
  2701:20180319:194934.030 server #31 started [preprocessing worker #1]
  2702:20180319:194934.033 server #32 started [preprocessing worker #2]
  2692:20180319:195023.810 cannot send list of active checks to "": host [Zabbix server] not monitored
  2692:20180319:195223.848 cannot send list of active checks to "": host [Zabbix server] not monitored
  2692:20180319:195423.913 cannot send list of active checks to "": host [Zabbix server] not monitored
  2693:20180319:195623.959 cannot send list of active checks to "": host [Zabbix server] not monitored
  2693:20180319:195823.053 cannot send list of active checks to "": host [Zabbix server] not monitored
  2693:20180319:200023.095 cannot send list of active checks to "": host [Zabbix server] not monitored
  2693:20180319:200223.172 cannot send list of active checks to "": host [Zabbix server] not monitored
  2693:20180319:200423.243 cannot send list of active checks to "": host [Zabbix server] not monitored
  2696:20180319:200623.327 cannot send list of active checks to "": host [Zabbix server] not monitored
  2696:20180319:200823.366 cannot send list of active checks to "": host [Zabbix server] not monitored
  2696:20180319:201023.442 cannot send list of active checks to "": host [Zabbix server] not monitored
  2693:20180319:201223.510 cannot send list of active checks to "": host [Zabbix server] not monitored
  2693:20180319:201423.581 cannot send list of active checks to "": host [Zabbix server] not monitored
  2693:20180319:201623.612 cannot send list of active checks to "": host [Zabbix server] not monitored
  2696:20180319:201823.643 cannot send list of active checks to "": host [Zabbix server] not monitored
  2670:20180319:201935.005 executing housekeeper
  2670:20180319:201935.049 housekeeper [deleted 0 hist/trends, 0 items/triggers, 0 events, 0 problems, 0 sessions, 0 alarms, 0 audit items in 0.042750 sec, idle for 1 hour(s)]
  2696:20180319:202023.717 cannot send list of active checks to "": host [Zabbix server] not monitored
  2694:20180319:202223.793 cannot send list of active checks to "": host [Zabbix server] not monitored
  2694:20180319:202423.841 cannot send list of active checks to "": host [Zabbix server] not monitored

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