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Трудности установке Asterisk + Freepbx, установка asterisk без проблем прошла, вот с freepbx проблема. конфиг?

Доброго всем когда

Версии дистрибутивов свежии.
FreePBX freepbx-14.0-latest.tgz
Asterisk version to be: 14.7.6

root@debian:/usr/src/freepbx# ./install
Database engine [mysql]: localhost
Database name [asterisk]:
CDR Database name [asteriskcdrdb]:
Database username [root]: asterisk
Database password: 123
File owner user [asterisk]:
File owner group [asterisk]:
Filesystem location from which FreePBX files will be served [/var/www/html]:
Filesystem location from which Asterisk configuration files will be served [/etc/asterisk]:
Filesystem location for Asterisk modules [/usr/lib/asterisk/modules]:
Filesystem location for Asterisk lib files [/var/lib/asterisk]:
Filesystem location for Asterisk agi files [/var/lib/asterisk/agi-bin]:
Location of the Asterisk spool directory [/var/spool/asterisk]:
Location of the Asterisk run directory [/var/run/asterisk]:
Location of the Asterisk log files [/var/log/asterisk]:
Location of the FreePBX command line scripts [/var/lib/asterisk/bin]:
Location of the FreePBX (root) command line scripts [/usr/sbin]:
Location of the Apache cgi-bin executables [/var/www/cgi-bin]:
Directory for FreePBX html5 playback files [/var/lib/asterisk/playback]:
Checking if SELinux is enabled...Its not (good)!
Reading /etc/asterisk/asterisk.conf...Done
Checking if Asterisk is running and we can talk to it as the 'asterisk' user...Yes. Determined Asterisk version to be: 14.7.6
Half-baked install previously detected. /etc/amportal.conf should not exist if /etc/freepbx.conf does not exist

root@debian:/usr/src/freepbx# more /etc/amportal.conf
# This file is part of FreePBX.
# This file contains settings for components of FreePBX
# This file will be used to define the initial configuration installed
# by the install_amp installation program, which can also obtain some
# of this interactively.
# Ths file should be writeable by the httpd user (usually asterisk for
# FreePBX installations). Once running, FreePBX will maintain these settings
# in a database and this file will be overwritten. It will also generate
# a based freepbx.conf configuration file, usually in /etc, that will
# be used to bootstrap FreePBX and any associated programs. The content
# of that file will include the core database credentials and path
# information needed to bootstrap FreePBX.
# Once installed and running properly out of the database, this file
# will be overwritten to include all the configuration settings specified
# in the Advanced Settings page of FreePBX and made available here for
# potential outside applications that may require access to some of these
# parameters. This will be maintained for a transitionary period to give
# the eco system time to conform to the new mode of setting configurations.
# The freepbx.conf file can also be specified in an evnironment variable:
# A full path should be specified. This configuration file is formatted as
# a very short snippet of PHP, here is an example of what it should look
# like:
# <?php
# $amp_conf['AMPDBUSER']	= 'my_db_user';
# $amp_conf['AMPDBPASS']	= 'my_db_password';
# $amp_conf['AMPDBHOST']	= 'localhost';
# $amp_conf['AMPDBNAME']	= 'asterisk';
# $amp_conf['AMPDBENGINE'] = 'mysql';
# $amp_conf['datasource']	= ''; //for sqlite3
# require_once('/var/www/html/admin/bootstrap.php');
# Where the paths and credentials match up with your system. This file
# will be created by install_amp for you if not present, or will be
# create by the amportal script that is used to start and stop Asterisk
# and FOP for FreePBX.

# Run /usr/src/AMP/apply_conf.sh after making changes to Asterisk
# manager credentials or MySQL CDR credentials to apply the changes to
# the corresponding manager.conf and cdr_mysql.conf files.

# FreePBX Database configuration
# AMPDBHOST: Hostname where the FreePBX database resides
# AMPDBENGINE: Engine hosting the FreePBX database (e.g. mysql)
# AMPDBNAME: Name of the FreePBX database (e.g. asterisk)
# AMPDBUSER: Username used to connect to the FreePBX database
# AMPDBPASS: Password for AMPDBUSER (above)
# AMPENGINE: Telephony backend engine (e.g. asterisk)
# AMPMGRUSER: Username to access the Asterisk Manager Interface

# AMPBIN: Location of the FreePBX command line scripts
# AMPSBIN: Location of (root) command line scripts

# AMPWEBROOT: Path to Apache's webroot (leave off trailing slash)
# AMPCGIBIN: Path to Apache's cgi-bin dir (leave off trailing slash)
# AMPWEBADDRESS: The IP address or host name used to access the AMP web admin
# AMPWEBADDRESS=x.x.x.x|hostname


# This is the default admin name used to allow an administrator to login to ARI bypassing all security.
# Change this to whatever you want, don't forget to change the ARI_ADMIN_PASSWORD as well

# This is the default admin password to allow an administrator to login to ARI bypassing all security.
# Change this to a secure password.

# AUTHTYPE=database|none
# DEFAULT VALUE: database
# Authentication type to use for web admininstration. If type set to 'database', the primary
# AMP admin credentials will be the AMPDBUSER/AMPDBPASS above.

# AMPEXTENSIONS=extensions|deviceanduser
# Sets the extension behavior in FreePBX.  If set to 'extensions', Devices and Users are
# administered together as a unified Extension, and appear on a single page.
# If set to 'deviceanduser', Devices and Users will be administered seperately.  Devices (e.g. 
# each individual line on a SIP phone) and Users (e.g. '101') will be configured 
# independent of each other, allowing association of one User to many Devices, or allowing 
# Users to login and logout of Devices.


root@debian:/usr/src/freepbx# more /etc/freepbx.conf
/etc/freepbx.conf: Нет такого файла или каталога  ( <b>создать ? </b>)

В предыдущей версии FreePBX настраивал с ./install_amp
./install_amp --installdb --username=asteriskuser --password=123

В свежей версии уже ./install
root@debian:/usr/src/freepbx# ls -la 
итого 1080
drwxr-xr-x  7 asterisk asterisk   4096 фев 17 03:10 .
drwxr-xr-x 12 root     root       4096 мар  5 22:23 ..
drwxr-xr-x  8 asterisk asterisk   4096 фев 17 03:10 amp_conf
-rw-r--r--  1 asterisk asterisk    148 фев 17 03:10 .gitattributes
-rw-r--r--  1 asterisk asterisk    235 фев 17 03:10 .gitignore
drwxr-xr-x  2 asterisk asterisk   4096 фев 17 03:10 hooks
-rwxr-xr-x  1 asterisk asterisk    704 фев 17 03:10 install
drwxr-xr-x  4 asterisk asterisk   4096 фев 17 03:10 installlib
-rw-r--r--  1 asterisk asterisk  10201 фев 17 03:10 install.php
-rw-r--r--  1 asterisk asterisk     44 фев 17 03:10 .langignore
-rw-r--r--  1 asterisk asterisk  35147 фев 17 03:10 LICENSE
-rw-r--r--  1 asterisk asterisk 982989 фев 17 03:10 module.sig
-rw-r--r--  1 asterisk asterisk   9618 фев 17 03:10 module.xml
-rw-r--r--  1 asterisk asterisk   8817 фев 17 03:10 README.md
-rwxr-xr-x  1 asterisk asterisk   2535 фев 17 03:10 start_asterisk
drwxr-xr-x 66 asterisk asterisk   4096 фев 17 03:10 upgrades
drwxr-xr-x  2 asterisk asterisk   4096 фев 17 03:10 utests
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Системный администратор
Checking if SELinux is enabled...Its not (good)! Вот это не есть, очень гуд.
Отключи его
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