Windows 6to4 почему так плохо?

Открыл для себя встроенный в Windows 6to4 адаптер, но не могу поять почему он работает настолько печально.
Можно это как-то исправить?

ping 2a01:4f8:173:1413::2 -t

Pinging 2a01:4f8:173:1413::2 with 32 bytes of data:
Request timed out.
Reply from 2a01:4f8:173:1413::2: time=921ms
Reply from 2a01:4f8:173:1413::2: time=457ms
Request timed out.
Request timed out.
Reply from 2a01:4f8:173:1413::2: time=1627ms
Reply from 2a01:4f8:173:1413::2: time=1609ms
Reply from 2a01:4f8:173:1413::2: time=375ms
Request timed out.
Reply from 2a01:4f8:173:1413::2: time=1451ms
Reply from 2a01:4f8:173:1413::2: time=786ms
Reply from 2a01:4f8:173:1413::2: time=466ms
Reply from 2a01:4f8:173:1413::2: time=658ms
Request timed out.
Reply from 2a01:4f8:173:1413::2: time=948ms
Reply from 2a01:4f8:173:1413::2: time=409ms
Reply from 2a01:4f8:173:1413::2: time=457ms
Request timed out.
Reply from 2a01:4f8:173:1413::2: time=323ms
Request timed out.
Request timed out.
Request timed out.
Destination host unreachable.
Reply from 2a01:4f8:173:1413::2: time=2955ms
Reply from 2a01:4f8:173:1413::2: time=551ms
Reply from 2a01:4f8:173:1413::2: time=1483ms
Request timed out.
Request timed out.
Request timed out.
Request timed out.
Request timed out.
Reply from 2a01:4f8:173:1413::2: time=830ms
Reply from 2a01:4f8:173:1413::2: time=1252ms
Reply from 2a01:4f8:173:1413::2: time=948ms
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