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Zabbix agent не поключается к Zabbix серверу, как мониторить?

установил zabbix агента на виндусе, создал узел на забиксе, а он не появляется в виде статуса ZBX на заббиск сервере.

Лог подключения к заббиск серверу
8952:20170428:095824.824 Zabbix Agent stopped. Zabbix 3.2.0 (revision 62444).
9020:20170428:095828.486 Starting Zabbix Agent [Zabbix server]. Zabbix 3.2.0 (revision 62444).
9020:20170428:095828.487 **** Enabled features ****
9020:20170428:095828.488 IPv6 support: YES
9020:20170428:095828.488 TLS support: NO
9020:20170428:095828.489 **************************
9020:20170428:095828.490 using configuration file: c:\Zabbix\zabbix_agentd.win.conf
9020:20170428:095828.498 agent #0 started [main process]
6444:20170428:095828.499 agent #1 started [collector]
5276:20170428:095828.500 agent #2 started [listener #1]
12048:20170428:095828.501 agent #3 started [listener #2]
7188:20170428:095828.502 agent #4 started [listener #3]
6856:20170428:095828.503 agent #5 started [active checks #1]

Zabbix Config win

# This is a configuration file for Zabbix agent service (Windows)
# To get more information about Zabbix, visit http://www.zabbix.com

############ GENERAL PARAMETERS #################

### Option: LogType
#	Specifies where log messages are written to:
#		system  - Windows event log
#		file    - file specified with LogFile parameter
#		console - standard output
# Mandatory: no
# Default:
# LogType=file

### Option: LogFile
#	Log file name for LogType 'file' parameter.
# Mandatory: no
# Default:
# LogFile=


### Option: LogFileSize
#	Maximum size of log file in MB.
#	0 - disable automatic log rotation.
# Mandatory: no
# Range: 0-1024
# Default:

### Option: DebugLevel
#	Specifies debug level:
#	0 - basic information about starting and stopping of Zabbix processes
#	1 - critical information
#	2 - error information
#	3 - warnings
#	4 - for debugging (produces lots of information)
#	5 - extended debugging (produces even more information)
# Mandatory: no
# Range: 0-5
# Default:
# DebugLevel=3

### Option: SourceIP
#	Source IP address for outgoing connections.
# Mandatory: no
# Default:
# SourceIP=

### Option: EnableRemoteCommands
#	Whether remote commands from Zabbix server are allowed.
#	0 - not allowed
#	1 - allowed
# Mandatory: no
# Default:

### Option: LogRemoteCommands
#	Enable logging of executed shell commands as warnings.
#	0 - disabled
#	1 - enabled
# Mandatory: no
# Default:

##### Passive checks related

### Option: Server
#	List of comma delimited IP addresses (or hostnames) of Zabbix servers.
#	Incoming connections will be accepted only from the hosts listed here.
#	If IPv6 support is enabled then '', '::', '::ffff:' are treated equally.
# Mandatory: no
# Default:
# Server=


### Option: ListenPort
#	Agent will listen on this port for connections from the server.
# Mandatory: no
# Range: 1024-32767
# Default:

### Option: ListenIP
#       List of comma delimited IP addresses that the agent should listen on.
#       First IP address is sent to Zabbix server if connecting to it to retrieve list of active checks.
# Mandatory: no
# Default:
# ListenIP=

### Option: StartAgents
#	Number of pre-forked instances of zabbix_agentd that process passive checks.
#	If set to 0, disables passive checks and the agent will not listen on any TCP port.
# Mandatory: no
# Range: 0-100
# Default:
# StartAgents=3

##### Active checks related

### Option: ServerActive
#	List of comma delimited IP:port (or hostname:port) pairs of Zabbix servers for active checks.
#	If port is not specified, default port is used.
#	IPv6 addresses must be enclosed in square brackets if port for that host is specified.
#	If port is not specified, square brackets for IPv6 addresses are optional.
#	If this parameter is not specified, active checks are disabled.
#	Example: ServerActive=,zabbix.domain,[::1]:30051,::1,[12fc::1]
# Mandatory: no
# Default:
# ServerActive=


### Option: Hostname
#	Unique, case sensitive hostname.
#	Required for active checks and must match hostname as configured on the server.
#	Value is acquired from HostnameItem if undefined.
# Mandatory: no
# Default:
# Hostname=

Hostname=Zabbix server

### Option: HostnameItem
#	Item used for generating Hostname if it is undefined. Ignored if Hostname is defined.
#	Does not support UserParameters or aliases.
# Mandatory: no
# Default:
# HostnameItem=system.hostname

### Option: HostMetadata
#	Optional parameter that defines host metadata.
#	Host metadata is used at host auto-registration process.
#	An agent will issue an error and not start if the value is over limit of 255 characters.
#	If not defined, value will be acquired from HostMetadataItem.
# Mandatory: no
# Range: 0-255 characters
# Default:
# HostMetadata=

### Option: HostMetadataItem
#	Optional parameter that defines an item used for getting host metadata.
#	Host metadata is used at host auto-registration process.
#	During an auto-registration request an agent will log a warning message if
#	the value returned by specified item is over limit of 255 characters.
#	This option is only used when HostMetadata is not defined.
# Mandatory: no
# Default:
# HostMetadataItem=

### Option: RefreshActiveChecks
#	How often list of active checks is refreshed, in seconds.
# Mandatory: no
# Range: 60-3600
# Default:
# RefreshActiveChecks=120

### Option: BufferSend
#	Do not keep data longer than N seconds in buffer.
# Mandatory: no
# Range: 1-3600
# Default:
# BufferSend=5

### Option: BufferSize
#	Maximum number of values in a memory buffer. The agent will send
#	all collected data to Zabbix server or Proxy if the buffer is full.
# Mandatory: no
# Range: 2-65535
# Default:
# BufferSize=100

### Option: MaxLinesPerSecond
#	Maximum number of new lines the agent will send per second to Zabbix Server
#	or Proxy processing 'log', 'logrt' and 'eventlog' active checks.
#	The provided value will be overridden by the parameter 'maxlines',
#	provided in 'log', 'logrt' or 'eventlog' item keys.
# Mandatory: no
# Range: 1-1000
# Default:
# MaxLinesPerSecond=20

############ ADVANCED PARAMETERS #################

### Option: Alias
#	Sets an alias for an item key. It can be used to substitute long and complex item key with a smaller and simpler one.
#	Multiple Alias parameters may be present. Multiple parameters with the same Alias key are not allowed.
#	Different Alias keys may reference the same item key.
#	For example, to retrieve paging file usage in percents from the server:
#	Alias=pg_usage:perf_counter[\Paging File(_Total)\% Usage]
#	Now shorthand key pg_usage may be used to retrieve data.
#	Aliases can be used in HostMetadataItem but not in HostnameItem or PerfCounter parameters.
# Mandatory: no
# Range:
# Default:

### Option: Timeout
#	Spend no more than Timeout seconds on processing.
# Mandatory: no
# Range: 1-30
# Default:
# Timeout=3

### Option: PerfCounter
#	Syntax: <parameter_name>,"<perf_counter_path>",<period>
#	Defines new parameter <parameter_name> which is an average value for system performance counter <perf_counter_path> for the specified time period <period> (in seconds).
#	For example, if you wish to receive average number of processor interrupts per second for last minute, you can define new parameter "interrupts" as following:
#	PerfCounter = interrupts,"\Processor(0)\Interrupts/sec",60
#	Please note double quotes around performance counter path.
#	Samples for calculating average value will be taken every second.
#	You may run "typeperf -qx" to get list of all performance counters available in Windows.
# Mandatory: no
# Range:
# Default:

### Option: Include
#	You may include individual files in the configuration file.
# Mandatory: no
# Default:
# Include=

# Include=c:\zabbix\zabbix_agentd.userparams.conf
# Include=c:\zabbix\zabbix_agentd.conf.d\
# Include=c:\zabbix\zabbix_agentd.conf.d\*.conf

Порт прокинул на проложение в винде, порт тсп 10050

Какие средства можно использовать чтобы траблшушить такие вопросы.
1) Если ли на сервере лог, который с реал тайме пишет все ошибки, которые отбивает клиент.
2) Можно ли на сервере командой проверить состояние подключение к вин агенту.

Куда еще можно смотреть? сам заббиск стоит на hyper-v ввиде аплаенса, рута нету.
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@adlukashin Автор вопроса
вообщем понял, почему не подключались. Сам статус был ок, в логах на сервере ничего не было. Решение проблесы заключалось в том, что при создании узла, ему нужно выбирать шаблон (Template OS Windows (Template App Zabbix Agent) , если ты его не выбереш, то статус активный не будет.
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