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Как правильно использовать опцию url: 'copy' в плагине postcss-url в project-stub (BEM)?

Всем привет.
Появилась необходимость использовать опцию url: 'copy' в плагине postcss-url в project-stub (BEM). Но требуется указывать "to", а где и как это указывать совершенно не ясно.
> enb make

18:28:16.013 - build started
18:28:16.045 - [rebuild] [desktop.bundles\home\home.bemjson.js] file-provider
18:28:16.045 - [rebuild] [desktop.bundles\index\index.bemjson.js] file-provider
18:28:16.185 - [rebuild] [desktop.bundles\home\home.levels] levels
18:28:16.185 - [rebuild] [desktop.bundles\index\index.levels] levels
18:28:16.185 - [rebuild] [desktop.bundles\home\home.bemdecl.js] bemjson-to-bemdecl
18:28:16.185 - [rebuild] [desktop.bundles\index\index.bemdecl.js] bemjson-to-bemdecl
18:28:16.216 - [rebuild] [desktop.bundles\home\home.deps.js] deps
18:28:16.232 - [rebuild] [desktop.bundles\home\home.files] files
18:28:16.232 - [rebuild] [desktop.bundles\home\home.dirs] files
18:28:16.472 - [rebuild] [desktop.bundles\home\home.bemhtml.bemdecl.js] deps-by-tech-to-bemdecl
18:28:16.472 - [rebuild] [desktop.bundles\home\home.browser.js] browser-js
18:28:16.472 - [rebuild] [desktop.bundles\home\home.bemhtml.deps.js] deps
18:28:16.472 - [rebuild] [desktop.bundles\home\home.bemhtml.files] files
18:28:16.472 - [rebuild] [desktop.bundles\home\home.bemhtml.dirs] files
18:28:16.487 - [rebuild] [desktop.bundles\home\home.browser.bemhtml.js] bemhtml

9:3     ‼  Option `to` of postcss is required, ignoring [postcss-url]
10:3    ‼  Option `to` of postcss is required, ignoring [postcss-url]
10:3    ‼  Option `to` of postcss is required, ignoring [postcss-url]
10:3    ‼  Option `to` of postcss is required, ignoring [postcss-url]
10:3    ‼  Option `to` of postcss is required, ignoring [postcss-url]
10:3    ‼  Option `to` of postcss is required, ignoring [postcss-url]

18:28:16.659 - [rebuild] [desktop.bundles\home\home.css] enb-postcss
18:28:16.659 - [rebuild] [desktop.bundles\home\home.js] file-merge
18:28:16.691 - [rebuild] [desktop.bundles\home\home.bemhtml.js] bemhtml
18:28:16.722 - [rebuild] [desktop.bundles\home\home.html] bemjson-to-html
18:28:16.737 - [rebuild] [desktop.bundles\home\home.beauty.html] enb-beautify-html
18:28:16.784 - [rebuild] [desktop.bundles\index\index.deps.js] deps
18:28:16.784 - [rebuild] [desktop.bundles\index\index.files] files
18:28:16.800 - [rebuild] [desktop.bundles\index\index.dirs] files
18:28:16.863 - [rebuild] [desktop.bundles\index\index.bemhtml.bemdecl.js] deps-by-tech-to-bemdecl
18:28:16.878 - [rebuild] [desktop.bundles\index\index.bemhtml.deps.js] deps
18:28:16.878 - [rebuild] [desktop.bundles\index\index.bemhtml.files] files
18:28:16.878 - [rebuild] [desktop.bundles\index\index.bemhtml.dirs] files
18:28:16.878 - [rebuild] [desktop.bundles\index\index.browser.js] browser-js
18:28:16.878 - [rebuild] [desktop.bundles\index\index.browser.bemhtml.js] bemhtml
18:28:16.894 - [rebuild] [desktop.bundles\index\index.js] file-merge

141:9   ‼  Option `to` of postcss is required, ignoring [postcss-url]
186:9   ‼  Option `to` of postcss is required, ignoring [postcss-url]

24:9    ‼  Option `to` of postcss is required, ignoring [postcss-url]

70:9    ‼  Option `to` of postcss is required, ignoring [postcss-url]
76:9    ‼  Option `to` of postcss is required, ignoring [postcss-url]

15:9    ‼  Option `to` of postcss is required, ignoring [postcss-url]

49:13   ‼  Option `to` of postcss is required, ignoring [postcss-url]

18:28:17.097 - [rebuild] [desktop.bundles\home\home.min.css] borschik
18:28:17.097 - [rebuild] [desktop.bundles\home\home.min.js] borschik
18:28:17.097 - [rebuild] [desktop.bundles\index\index.css] enb-postcss
18:28:17.113 - [rebuild] [desktop.bundles\index\index.bemhtml.js] bemhtml
18:28:17.222 - [rebuild] [desktop.bundles\index\index.html] bemjson-to-html
18:28:17.253 - [rebuild] [desktop.bundles\index\index.min.js] borschik
18:28:17.253 - [rebuild] [desktop.bundles\index\index.beauty.html] enb-beautify-html
18:28:17.420 - [rebuild] [desktop.bundles\index\index.min.css] borschik
18:28:17.420 - build finished - 2332ms

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@RaDir Автор вопроса
Решил проблему плагином postcss-copy.
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