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Ошибка use of undeclared identifier, как побороть?

Здравствуйте, столкнулся с довольно обычной проблемой, однако не могу ее решить обычными методами. Знаю, что такая ошибка случается когда есть рекурсивные зависимости, однако таковых у себя в проекте я не нашел. Также знаю, что помогает forward declaration, однако если я использую его, компилятор ругается на не существующие методы.
Ниже представлены заголовки классов:

#include <vector>
#include "Platform.h"

class Texture {

    enum Filtering : GLint {
        Near = GL_NEAREST,
        Linear = GL_LINEAR,
        LinearMipmap = GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR

    enum Wrapping : GLint {
        Repeat = GL_REPEAT,
        MirroredRepeat = GL_MIRRORED_REPEAT,
        ClampToEdge = GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE,
        ClampToBorder = GL_CLAMP_TO_BORDER

    enum TextureType : GLenum {
        _1D = GL_TEXTURE_1D,
        _2D = GL_TEXTURE_2D,
        _3D = GL_TEXTURE_3D,

    enum ImageFormat : GLint{
        R8 = GL_R8,
        R8_SNORM = GL_R8_SNORM,
        R16 = GL_R16,
        R16_SNORM = GL_R16_SNORM,
        RG8 = GL_RG8,
        RG8_SNORM = GL_RG8_SNORM,
        RG16 = GL_R16,
        RG16_SNORM = GL_RG16_SNORM,
        R3G3B2 = GL_R3_G3_B2,
        RGB4 = GL_RGB4,
        RGB5 = GL_RGB5,
        RGB8 = GL_RGB8,
        RGB8_SNORM = GL_RG8_SNORM,
        RGB10 = GL_RGB10,
        RGB12 = GL_RGB12,
        RGB16 = GL_RGB16,
        RGB16_SNORM = GL_RGB16_SNORM,
        RGBA2 = GL_RGBA2,
        RGBA4 = GL_RGBA4,
        RGBA5_A1 = GL_RGB5_A1,
        RGBA8 = GL_RGBA8,
        RGB10_A2 = GL_RGB10_A2,
        RGB10_A2UI = GL_RGB10_A2UI,
        RGBA12 = GL_RGBA12,
        RGBA16 = GL_RGBA16,
        SRGB8 = GL_SRGB8,
        SRGB8_A8 = GL_SRGB8_ALPHA8,
        R16F = GL_R16F,
        RG16F = GL_RG16F,
        RGB16F = GL_RGB16F,
        RGBA16F = GL_RGBA16F,
        R32F = GL_R32F,
        RG32F = GL_RG32F,
        RGB32F = GL_RGB32F,
        RGBA32F = GL_RGBA32F,
        R11FG11FB10F = GL_R11F_G11F_B10F,
        RGB9E5 = GL_RGB9_E5,
        R8I = GL_R8I,
        R8UI = GL_R8UI,
        R16I = GL_R16I,
        R16UI = GL_R16UI,
        R32I = GL_R32I,
        R32UI = GL_R32UI,
        RG8I = GL_R8I,
        RG8UI = GL_RG8UI,
        RG16I = GL_RG16I,
        RG16UI = GL_RG16UI,
        RG32I = GL_R32I,
        RG32UI = GL_R32UI,
        RGB8I = GL_RGB8I,
        RGB8UI = GL_RGB8UI,
        RGB16I = GL_RGB16I,
        RGB16UI = GL_RGB16UI,
        RGB32I = GL_RGB32I,
        RGB32UI = GL_RGB32UI,
        RGBA8I = GL_RGBA8I,
        RGBA8UI = GL_RGBA8UI,
        RGBA16I = GL_RGBA16I,
        RGBA16UI = GL_RGBA16UI,
        RGBA32I = GL_RGBA32I,
        RGBA32UI = GL_RGBA32UI,

    enum ImageType : GLint{
        ColorIndex = GL_COLOR_INDEX,
        Red = GL_RED,
        Green = GL_GREEN,
        Blue = GL_BLUE,
        Alpha = GL_ALPHA,
        RGB = GL_RGB,
        BGR = GL_BGR,
        RGBA = GL_RGBA,
        BGRA = GL_BGRA,
        Luminance = GL_LUMINANCE,
        LuminanceAlpha = GL_LUMINANCE_ALPHA,

    GLuint _location;
    GLuint _texture;
    GLenum _textureType;

     * Generate texture and assign value to it
    Texture(GLfloat* textureColors, TextureType textureType, Wrapping wrapping, Filtering filtering, ImageFormat format, ImageType type, int width, int height, int lenght);
     * Generate cubemap texture and assign value to it
     * First assign value to positive X
     * Second assign value to negative X
     * Third assign value to positive Y
     * Fourth assign value to negative Y
     * Fifth assign value to positive Z
     * Sixth assign value to negative Z
    Texture(GLfloat** textureColors, Wrapping wrapping, Filtering filtering, ImageFormat format, ImageType type, int width, int height);

     * Return current texture
    GLuint& TextureValue();
     * Activate texture and bind it
    void Activate();




#include <assert.h>
#include <iostream>
#include "Platform.h"
#include "Shader.h"

class Mesh {
     * Structure to save vertex data for every vertex attribute array
    struct VertexData{
        GLuint location;
        const GLvoid* data;
        GLenum type;

     * Attributes that was initialized inside fragment shader
     * On draw method program will iterate by all it values and bind it
    std::vector<VertexData> _variables;

     * How much triangles should be drawn
    int _meshLenght;

     * Elements buffer object
     * Used for indexed draw
    GLuint _ebo;

     * Shader associated with current model
    Shader* shaderProgram;
     * Default constructor without indices
     * Shader used inside AddDataPointer
    Mesh(Shader &shader, int size);
     * Indices constructor
    Mesh(Shader &shader, int size, GLuint* indices);
     * Add data to the _variables vector, that will be used on draw method
    void AddDataPointer(GLchar* name, const GLvoid* data, GLenum type, GLint size);
     * Draw method
    void Draw();



#include <vector>
#include "Texture.h"
#include "Mesh.h"

class Model {
     * Default constructor
     * If mesh should be created "by hands"
    Model(std::vector<Mesh*> meshes, std::vector<Texture*> textures);
    //Model(std::string pathToModel);
     * Default draw function
     * Call draw function for each mesh inside _meshes
    void Draw();
    std::vector<Mesh*> _meshes;
    std::vector<Texture*> _textures;


П.С.: Понимаю, что проблема возможно довольно типичная, но все же я не смог ее решить.

П.С.С.: Вот ошибка
In file included from /Users/airat/ClionProjects/FutureEngine/Model/Model.cpp:5:
/Users/airat/ClionProjects/FutureEngine/Model/Model.h:19:23: error: use of undeclared identifier 'Mesh'
Model(std::vector meshes, std::vector textures);
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В файле Mesh.h у вас защитный дефайн FUTUREENGINE_MODEL_H
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