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Как разместить два canvas (сделанных в Adobe AnimateCC) на одной HTML страницы?

При создании каждого проекта с Abobe Animate CC он выдает вот такой HTML код
<!DOCTYPE html>
	1. All tokens are represented by '$' sign in the template.
	2. You can write your code only wherever mentioned.
	3. All occurrences of existing tokens will be replaced by their appropriate values.
	4. Blank lines will be removed automatically.
	5. Remove unnecessary comments before creating your template.
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<meta name="authoring-tool" content="Adobe_Animate_CC">
<!-- write your code here -->
<script src="https://code.createjs.com/createjs-2015.11.26.min.js"></script>
<script src="move.js"></script>
var canvas, stage, exportRoot;
function init() {
	canvas = document.getElementById("canvas");
function handleComplete() {
	//This function is always called, irrespective of the content. You can use the variable "stage" after it is created in token create_stage.
	exportRoot = new lib.move();
	stage = new createjs.Stage(canvas);
	//Registers the "tick" event listener.
	createjs.Ticker.addEventListener("tick", stage);	    
	//Code to support hidpi screens and responsive scaling.
	(function(isResp, respDim, isScale, scaleType) {		
		var lastW, lastH, lastS=1;		
		window.addEventListener('resize', resizeCanvas);		
		function resizeCanvas() {			
			var w = lib.properties.width, h = lib.properties.height;			
			var iw = window.innerWidth, ih=window.innerHeight;			
			var pRatio = window.devicePixelRatio || 1, xRatio=iw/w, yRatio=ih/h, sRatio=1;			
			if(isResp) {                
				if((respDim=='width'&&lastW==iw) || (respDim=='height'&&lastH==ih)) {                    
					sRatio = lastS;                
				else if(!isScale) {					
					if(iw<w || ih<h)						
						sRatio = Math.min(xRatio, yRatio);				
				else if(scaleType==1) {					
					sRatio = Math.min(xRatio, yRatio);				
				else if(scaleType==2) {					
					sRatio = Math.max(xRatio, yRatio);				
			canvas.width = w*pRatio*sRatio;			
			canvas.height = h*pRatio*sRatio;
			canvas.style.width = w*sRatio+'px';			
			canvas.style.height = h*sRatio+'px';
			stage.scaleX = pRatio*sRatio;			
			stage.scaleY = pRatio*sRatio;			
			lastW = iw; lastH = ih; lastS = sRatio;		
<!-- write your code here -->
<body onload="init();" style="margin:0px;">
	<canvas id="canvas" width="100" height="100" style="display: block; background-color:rgba(38, 38, 38, 1.00)"></canvas>

и у каждого проекта этот код свой
Как мне добавить на одну html страницу несколько проектов?
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bash'у, javascript'ую, php'лю, css'аю, html'каю
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