
Что способствует нарушению кучи?

При вызове деструктора объекта p (дальше в коде увидите) выдаёт ошибку 'Debug Assertion Failed. Expression: _CrtIsValidHeapPointer(pUserData). Я так понял, где-то утечка памяти, или некорректная работа с динамической памятью, но никак не могу определить в чём ошибка.

Минимальный вариант кода:
class Path
    char* path;

    Path(const Path &);
    Path(Path &&);

    Path operator + (const Path &) const;
    Path& operator = (const Path &);
    Path& operator = (Path &&);

    path = new char[strlen("C:\\") + 1];
    strcpy_s(path, strlen("C:\\") + 1, "C:\\");

Path::Path(char* path)
    this->path = new char[strlen(path) + 1];
    strcpy_s(this->path, strlen(path) + 1, path);

    delete[] path;
    path = nullptr;

Path::Path(const Path &obj)
    path = new char[strlen(obj.path) + 1];
    strcpy_s(path, strlen(obj.path) + 1, obj.path);

Path::Path(Path &&obj)
    path = obj.path;
    obj.path = nullptr;

void main()
    Path p1("C:\\Program Files\\"), p2("Google Chrome\\Cache");
    Path p = p1 + p2;

Полная версия:
#include <iostream>
#include <io.h>
#include <conio.h>
using namespace std;
class Path
    char* path;
    Path(const Path &);
    Path(Path &&);
    int SetPath(char*);
    char* GetPath() const;
    bool Exists() const;
    bool Exists(char* path, bool overwrite_this_path = false);
    bool IsFile() const;
    bool IsDirectory() const;
    bool IsFullPath() const;
    Path operator + (const char &) const;
    Path operator + (const Path &) const;
    Path& operator += (const char &);
    Path& operator += (const Path &);
    Path& operator = (const char &);
    Path& operator = (const Path &);
    Path& operator = (Path &&);
    //  Removes extra slashes
    //  Example: (p1 == 'D:\\Data\\', p2 == 'Front-end\\Messages.json').
    //  User wrote 'path = p1 + '\\' + p2'.
    //  Then path == 'D:\\Data\\\\Front-end\\Messages.json'.
    //  This method converts this path in view like 'D:\\Data\\Front-end\\Messages.json'
    void CheckSlashes();   
    path = new char[strlen("C:\\") + 1];
    strcpy_s(path, strlen("C:\\") + 1, "C:\\");
Path::Path(char* path)
    this->path = new char[strlen(path) + 1];
    strcpy_s(this->path, strlen(path) + 1, path);
    delete[] path;
    path = nullptr;
Path::Path(const Path &obj)
    path = new char[strlen(obj.path) + 1];
    strcpy_s(path, strlen(obj.path) + 1, obj.path);
Path::Path(Path &&obj)
    path = obj.path;
    obj.path = nullptr;
int Path::SetPath(char* path)
    if (path == nullptr)
        return 1;
    delete[] path;
    this->path = new char[strlen(path) + 1];
    if (this->path == nullptr)
        return 2;
    strcpy_s(this->path, strlen(path) + 1, path);
    return 0;
char* Path::GetPath() const
    return path;
bool Path::Exists() const
    _finddata_t data;
    int descriptor = _findfirst(path, &data);
    if (descriptor == -1)
        return false;
        return true;
bool Path::Exists(char* path, bool overwrite_this_path)
    if (path == nullptr)
        return false;
    if (overwrite_this_path)
    _finddata_t data;
    int descriptor = _findfirst(path, &data);
    if (descriptor == -1)
        return false;
        return true;
bool Path::IsFile() const
    _finddata_t data;
    int descriptor = _findfirst(path, &data);
    if (descriptor == -1)
        return false;
    if (!(data.attrib & _A_SUBDIR))
        return true;
        return false;
bool Path::IsDirectory() const
    if (path == nullptr)
        return false;
    _finddata_t data;
    int descriptor = _findfirst(path, &data);
    if (descriptor == -1)
        return false;
    if (data.attrib & _A_SUBDIR)    // data is directory?
        return true;
        return false;
bool Path::IsFullPath() const
    bool IsFullPath = false;
    if (strlen(path) > 1)   // Directory name may consist of one character with
        IsFullPath = (path[1] == ':');  // Example: 'C:\\Program Files', 'D:\\Data\\Source.cpp'
    return IsFullPath;
Path& Path::operator = (const char &ch)
    delete[] path;
    path = new char[1];
    path[0] = ch;
    return *this;
Path& Path::operator = (const Path &pth)
    if (this == &pth)
        return *this;
    delete[] path;
    path = new char[strlen(pth.path) + 1];
    strcpy_s(path, strlen(pth.path) + 1, pth.path);
    return *this;
Path Path::operator + (const char &ch) const
    Path obj;
    int buff_size = strlen(this->path) + 2; // 2 - @ch and '\0'
    obj.path = new char[buff_size];
    strcpy_s(obj.path, buff_size, this->path);
    obj.path[strlen(this->path)] = ch;
    obj.path[strlen(this->path) + 1] = '\0';
    return obj;
// XXX: '\\' beetwen paths (NOT TESTED!)
Path Path::operator + (const Path &pth) const
    Path obj;
    int buff_size = strlen(this->path) + strlen(pth.path) + 1;
    obj.path = new char[buff_size];
    // Example: 'C:\Program Files' + 'Google Chrome\Cache'
    // @obj.path must be 'C:\Program Files\Google Chrome\Cache', not 'C:\Program FilesGoogle Chrome\Cache'
    strcpy_s(obj.path, buff_size, this->path);
    if (obj.path[strlen(obj.path) - 1] != '\\' && pth.path[0] != '\\')
        obj += '\\';
    // Example: 'C:\Program Files\' + '\Google Chrome\Cache'
    // @obj.path must be 'C:\Program Files\Google Chrome\Cache', not 'C:\Program Files\\Google Chrome\Cache'
    if (obj.path[strlen(obj.path) - 1] == '\\' && pth.path[0] == '\\')
        obj.path[strlen(obj.path) - 1] = '\0';
    strcat_s(obj.path, buff_size, pth.path);
    return obj;
Path& Path::operator += (const char &ch)
    char* tmp = new char[strlen(path) + 1];
    strcpy_s(tmp, strlen(path) + 1, path);
    delete[] path;
    path = new char[strlen(tmp) + 2];   // 2 - @ch and '\0'
    strcpy_s(path, strlen(tmp) + 2, tmp);
    path[strlen(tmp)] = ch;
    path[strlen(tmp) + 1] = '\0';
    return *this;
Path& Path::operator += (const Path &pth)
    char* tmp = new char[strlen(path) + 1];
    strcpy_s(tmp, strlen(path) + 1, path);
    delete[] path;
    int buff_size = strlen(tmp) + strlen(pth.path) + 1;
    path = new char[buff_size];
    strcpy_s(path, buff_size, tmp);
    strcat_s(path, buff_size, pth.path);
    return *this;
Path& Path::operator = (Path &&pth)
    delete[] path;
    path = pth.path;
    pth.path = nullptr;
    return *this;
void Path::CheckSlashes()
    char* ptr = strstr(path, "\\\\");
    while(ptr != nullptr)
        for (int i = 0; i < strlen(ptr); i++)
            ptr[i] = ptr[i + 1];
        ptr = strstr(path, "\\\\");
void main()
    Path p1("C:\\Program Files"), p2("Google Chrome\\Cache");
    Path p = p1 + p2;
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Решения вопроса 1
Самый лучший программист
Path Path::operator + (const Path &pth) const
   Path obj;
    int buff_size = strlen(this->path) + strlen(pth.path) + 1;
    obj.path = new char[buff_size]; // утекло то, что в конструкторе без параметров создано
    strcpy_s(obj.path, buff_size, this->path); // количество символов для копирования больше чем в this->path
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