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VLC ограничивает поток мультикаста

Добрый день, имеется проблема:
задача принять поток c http и передать мультикастом в сеть.
cvlc -vvvv x.x.x.x:xxxx --sout-all --sout '#std{access=udp,mux=ts,dst=}' --udp-caching 10000 --ttl 12 --daemon
Лог запуска:
VLC media player 1.1.13 The Luggage (revision exported)
[0x229fa20] main libvlc debug: VLC media player - 1.1.13 The Luggage
[0x229fa20] main libvlc debug: Copyright © 1996-2011 the VideoLAN team
[0x229fa20] main libvlc debug: revision exported
[0x229fa20] main libvlc debug: configured with ./configure '--enable-static' '--build=x86_64-linux-gnu' '--config-cache' '--disable-maintainer-mode' '--disable-silent-rules' '--disable-update-check' '--enable-fast-install' '--prefix=/usr' '--docdir=/usr/share/doc/vlc-nox' '--sysconfdir=/etc' '--with-binary-version=1~ppa1' '--enable-a52' '--enable-aa' '--enable-bonjour' '--enable-caca' '--enable-dca' '--enable-dirac' '--enable-dvb' '--enable-dvbpsi' '--enable-dvdnav' '--enable-faad' '--enable-flac' '--enable-fluidsynth' '--enable-freetype' '--enable-fribidi' '--enable-ggi' '--enable-gnutls' '--enable-jack' '--enable-kate' '--enable-libass' '--enable-libmpeg2' '--enable-libproxy' '--enable-libxml2' '--enable-lirc' '--enable-live555' '--enable-mad' '--enable-mkv' '--enable-mod' '--enable-mozilla' '--enable-mpc' '--enable-mtp' '--enable-mux_ogg' '--enable-ncurses' '--enable-notify' '--enable-ogg' '--enable-pulse' '--enable-qt4' '--enable-realrtsp' '--enable-schroedinger' '--enable-sdl' '--enable-shout' '--enable-skins2' '--enable-smb' '--enable-speex' '--enable-svg' '--enable-taglib' '--enable-theora' '--enable-twolame' '--enable-upnp' '--enable-vcd' '--enable-vcdx' '--enable-vorbis' '--enable-x264' '--enable-zvbi' '--with-kde-solid=/usr/share/kde4/apps/solid/actions/' '--with-mozilla-pkg=mozilla-plugin' '--disable-dxva2' '--disable-gnomevfs' '--disable-goom' '--disable-osso_screensaver' '--disable-portaudio' '--disable-projectm' '--disable-sqlite' '--disable-telx' '--enable-alsa' '--enable-atmo' '--enable-dc1394' '--enable-dv' '--enable-libva' '--enable-pvr' '--enable-udev' '--enable-v4l2' '--enable-svgalib' 'build_alias=x86_64-linux-gnu' 'CFLAGS=-g -O2' 'LDFLAGS=-Wl,--as-needed' 'CPPFLAGS=' 'CXXFLAGS=-g -O2'
[0x229fa20] main libvlc debug: translation test: code is "ru"
[0x229fa20] main libvlc debug: checking plugin modules
[0x229fa20] main libvlc debug: loading plugins cache file /usr/lib/vlc/plugins/plugins-04081e-fe8.dat
[0x229fa20] main libvlc debug: recursively browsing `/usr/lib/vlc/plugins'
[0x229fa20] main libvlc debug: saving plugins cache /usr/lib/vlc/plugins/plugins-04081e-fe8.dat
[0x229fa20] main libvlc debug: module bank initialized (393 modules)
[0x229fa20] main libvlc debug: opening config file (/home/zeleniy/.config/vlc/vlcrc)
[0x229fa20] main libvlc debug: CPU has capabilities MMX MMXEXT SSE SSE2 SSE3 SSSE3 SSE4.1 SSE4.2 FPU
[0x229fa20] main libvlc debug: looking for memcpy module: 3 candidates
[0x229fa20] main libvlc debug: using memcpy module "memcpymmxext"
[0x2390800] main input debug: Creating an input for 'Медиатека'
[0x2390800] main input debug: Input is a meta file: disabling unneeded options
[0x2390800] main input debug: using timeshift granularity of 50 MiB
[0x2390800] main input debug: using timeshift path '/tmp'
[0x2390800] main input debug: `file/xspf-open:///home/zeleniy/.local/share/vlc/ml.xspf' gives access `file' demux `xspf-open' path `/home/zeleniy/.local/share/vlc/ml.xspf'
[0x2390800] main input debug: creating demux: access='file' demux='xspf-open' path='/home/zeleniy/.local/share/vlc/ml.xspf'
[0x2396fa0] main demux debug: looking for access_demux module: 2 candidates
[0x2396fa0] main demux debug: no access_demux module matching "file" could be loaded
[0x2396fa0] main demux debug: TIMER module_need() : 0.525 ms - Total 0.525 ms / 1 intvls (Avg 0.525 ms)
[0x2390800] main input debug: creating access 'file' path='/home/zeleniy/.local/share/vlc/ml.xspf'
[0x239a5a0] main access debug: looking for access module: 2 candidates
[0x239a5a0] filesystem access debug: opening file `/home/zeleniy/.local/share/vlc/ml.xspf'
[0x239a5a0] main access debug: using access module "filesystem"
[0x239a5a0] main access debug: TIMER module_need() : 0.271 ms - Total 0.271 ms / 1 intvls (Avg 0.271 ms)
[0x23988a0] main stream debug: Using AStream*Stream
[0x23988a0] main stream debug: pre buffering
[0x23988a0] main stream debug: received first data after 0 ms
[0x23988a0] main stream debug: pre-buffering done 301 bytes in 0s - 12780 KiB/s
[0x2398700] main stream debug: looking for stream_filter module: 5 candidates
[0x2398700] main stream debug: no stream_filter module matching "any" could be loaded
[0x2398700] main stream debug: TIMER module_need() : 0.412 ms - Total 0.412 ms / 1 intvls (Avg 0.412 ms)
[0x2398700] main stream debug: looking for stream_filter module: 1 candidate
[0x2398700] main stream debug: using stream_filter module "stream_filter_record"
[0x2398700] main stream debug: TIMER module_need() : 0.144 ms - Total 0.144 ms / 1 intvls (Avg 0.144 ms)
[0x2390800] main input debug: creating demux: access='file' demux='xspf-open' path='/home/zeleniy/.local/share/vlc/ml.xspf'
[0x23a8770] main demux debug: looking for demux module: 1 candidate
[0x23a8770] playlist demux debug: using XSPF playlist reader
[0x23a8770] main demux debug: using demux module "playlist"
[0x23a8770] main demux debug: TIMER module_need() : 0.203 ms - Total 0.203 ms / 1 intvls (Avg 0.203 ms)
[0x23acf40] main demux meta debug: looking for meta reader module: 2 candidates
[0x23acf40] lua demux meta debug: Trying Lua scripts in /home/zeleniy/.local/share/vlc/lua/meta/reader
[0x23acf40] lua demux meta debug: Trying Lua scripts in /usr/lib/vlc/lua/meta/reader
[0x23acf40] lua demux meta debug: Trying Lua playlist script /usr/lib/vlc/lua/meta/reader/filename.luac
[0x23acf40] lua demux meta debug: Trying Lua scripts in /usr/share/vlc/lua/meta/reader
[0x23acf40] main demux meta debug: no meta reader module matching "any" could be loaded
[0x23acf40] main demux meta debug: TIMER module_need() : 2.298 ms - Total 2.298 ms / 1 intvls (Avg 2.298 ms)
[0x2390800] main input debug: `file/xspf-open:///home/zeleniy/.local/share/vlc/ml.xspf' successfully opened
[0x23acf40] main xml debug: looking for xml module: 2 candidates
[0x23acf40] main xml debug: using xml module "xml"
[0x23acf40] main xml debug: TIMER module_need() : 0.235 ms - Total 0.235 ms / 1 intvls (Avg 0.235 ms)
[0x23a8770] playlist demux debug: parsed 0 tracks successfully
[0x23acf40] main xml debug: removing module "xml"
[0x2390800] main input debug: EOF reached
[0x23a8770] main demux debug: removing module "playlist"
[0x2398700] main stream debug: removing module "stream_filter_record"
[0x239a5a0] main access debug: removing module "filesystem"
[0x2390800] main input debug: TIMER input launching for 'Медиатека' : 4.315 ms - Total 4.315 ms / 1 intvls (Avg 4.315 ms)
[0x2396410] main interface debug: looking for interface module: 1 candidate
[0x2396410] main interface debug: using interface module "hotkeys"
[0x2396410] main interface debug: TIMER module_need() : 0.187 ms - Total 0.187 ms / 1 intvls (Avg 0.187 ms)
[0x2396d40] main interface debug: looking for interface module: 1 candidate
Blocked: call to unsetenv("DBUS_ACTIVATION_ADDRESS")
Blocked: call to unsetenv("DBUS_ACTIVATION_BUS_TYPE")
[0x2396d40] inhibit interface error: Failed to connect to the D-Bus session daemon: /bin/dbus-launch terminated abnormally with the following error: Autolaunch error: X11 initialization failed.

[0x2396d40] main interface debug: no interface module matching "inhibit,none" could be loaded
[0x2396d40] main interface debug: TIMER module_need() : 1.842 ms - Total 1.842 ms / 1 intvls (Avg 1.842 ms)
[0x2396d40] main interface error: no suitable interface module
[0x22b1ac0] main playlist debug: Activated
[0x22b1ac0] main playlist debug: rebuilding array of current - root Плейлист
[0x22b1ac0] main playlist debug: rebuild done - 0 items, index -1
[0x22b1ac0] main playlist debug: adding item `x.x.x.x:xxxx' ( x.x.x.x:xxxx )
[0x7fa3300010b0] main interface debug: looking for interface module: 1 candidate
[0x7fa3300010b0] main interface debug: using interface module "signals"
[0x7fa3300010b0] main interface debug: TIMER module_need() : 0.163 ms - Total 0.163 ms / 1 intvls (Avg 0.163 ms)
[0x239a180] main interface debug: looking for interface module: 1 candidate
[0x239a180] main interface debug: no interface module matching "globalhotkeys,none" could be loaded
[0x239a180] main interface debug: TIMER module_need() : 0.215 ms - Total 0.215 ms / 1 intvls (Avg 0.215 ms)
[0x239a180] main interface error: no suitable interface module
[0x229fa20] main libvlc error: interface "globalhotkeys,none" initialization failed
[0x239a180] main interface debug: looking for interface module: 1 candidate
[0x239a180] dummy interface: using the dummy interface module...
[0x239a180] main interface debug: using interface module "dummy"
[0x239a180] main interface debug: TIMER module_need() : 0.088 ms - Total 0.088 ms / 1 intvls (Avg 0.088 ms)
[0x22b1ac0] main playlist debug: processing request item null node Плейлист skip 0
[0x22b1ac0] main playlist debug: rebuilding array of current - root Плейлист
[0x22b1ac0] main playlist debug: rebuild done - 1 items, index -1
[0x22b1ac0] main playlist debug: starting new item
[0x22b1ac0] main playlist debug: creating new input thread
[0x2391e70] main input debug: Creating an input for 'x.x.x.x:xxxx'
[0x2391e70] main input debug: thread (input) created at priority 10 (input/input.c:220)
[0x2391e70] main input debug: thread started
[0x7fa330001a40] main stream output debug: using sout chain=`std{access=udp,mux=ts,dst=}'
[0x7fa330001a40] main stream output debug: stream=`std'
[0x7fa330001f40] main stream out debug: looking for sout stream module: 1 candidate
[0x7fa330001f40] main stream out debug: set config option: sout-standard-access to udp
[0x7fa330001f40] main stream out debug: set config option: sout-standard-mux to ts
[0x7fa330001f40] main stream out debug: set config option: sout-standard-dst to
[0x7fa330001f40] stream_out_standard stream out debug: creating `udp/ts://'
[0x7fa330001f40] stream_out_standard stream out debug: extension is 90:1234
[0x7fa330001f40] stream_out_standard stream out debug: extension -> mux=(null)
[0x7fa330001f40] stream_out_standard stream out debug: using `udp/ts://'
[0x23b4e20] main access out debug: looking for sout access module: 1 candidate
[0x23b4e20] main access out debug: net: connecting to []:1234
[0x23b4e20] access_output_udp access out debug: source: port 42130
[0x23b4e20] access_output_udp access out debug: destination: port 1234
[0x23b4e20] main access out debug: using sout access module "access_output_udp"
[0x23b4e20] main access out debug: TIMER module_need() : 5.341 ms - Total 5.341 ms / 1 intvls (Avg 5.341 ms)
[0x7fa330001f40] stream_out_standard stream out debug: access opened
[0x23b63a0] main mux debug: looking for sout mux module: 1 candidate
[0x23b63a0] mux_ts mux debug: shaping=200000 pcr=70000 dts_delay=400000
[0x23b63a0] main mux debug: using sout mux module "mux_ts"
[0x23b63a0] main mux debug: TIMER module_need() : 0.398 ms - Total 0.398 ms / 1 intvls (Avg 0.398 ms)
[0x7fa330001a40] main stream output debug: muxer support adding stream at any time
[0x7fa330001a40] main stream output debug: muxer prefers to wait for all ES before starting to mux
[0x7fa330001f40] stream_out_standard stream out debug: mux opened
[0x7fa330001f40] main stream out debug: using sout stream module "stream_out_standard"
[0x7fa330001f40] main stream out debug: TIMER module_need() : 6.114 ms - Total 6.114 ms / 1 intvls (Avg 6.114 ms)
[0x2391e70] main input debug: using timeshift granularity of 50 MiB
[0x2391e70] main input debug: using timeshift path '/tmp'
[0x2391e70] main input debug: `x.x.x.x:xxxx' gives access `http' demux `' path `x.x.x.x:xxxx'
[0x2391e70] main input debug: creating demux: access='http' demux='' path='x.x.x.x:xxxx'
[0x23bcad0] main demux debug: looking for access_demux module: 0 candidates
[0x23bcad0] main demux debug: no access_demux module matched "http"
[0x23bcad0] main demux debug: TIMER module_need() : 0.060 ms - Total 0.060 ms / 1 intvls (Avg 0.060 ms)
[0x2391e70] main input debug: creating access 'http' path='x.x.x.x:xxxx'
[0x23bca80] main access debug: looking for access module: 2 candidates
Blocked: call to setenv("_PX_CONFIG_ORDER", "", 1)
[0x23bca80] access_http access debug: asking libproxy about url 'x.x.x.x:xxxx'
[0x23bca80] access_http access debug: libproxy suggest to use 'direct://'
[0x23bca80] access_http access debug: http: server='x.x.x.x' port=xxxx file='/udp/'
[0x23bca80] main access debug: net: connecting to x.x.x.x port xxxx
[0x23bca80] main access debug: connection succeeded (socket = 5)
[0x23bca80] access_http access debug: protocol 'HTTP' answer code 200
[0x23bca80] access_http access debug: Content-Type: application/octet-stream
[0x23bca80] main access debug: using access module "access_http"
[0x23bca80] main access debug: TIMER module_need() : 22.521 ms - Total 22.521 ms / 1 intvls (Avg 22.521 ms)
[0x23c5ba0] main stream debug: Using AStream*Stream
[0x23c5ba0] main stream debug: pre buffering
[0x23c5ba0] main stream debug: received first data after 26 ms
[0x23c5ba0] main stream debug: pre-buffering done 1024 bytes in 0s - 37 KiB/s
[0x23cc3f0] main stream debug: looking for stream_filter module: 5 candidates
[0x23cc3f0] main stream debug: no stream_filter module matching "any" could be loaded
[0x23cc3f0] main stream debug: TIMER module_need() : 0.076 ms - Total 0.076 ms / 1 intvls (Avg 0.076 ms)
[0x23cc710] main stream debug: looking for stream_filter module: 1 candidate
[0x23cc710] main stream debug: using stream_filter module "stream_filter_record"
[0x23cc710] main stream debug: TIMER module_need() : 0.061 ms - Total 0.061 ms / 1 intvls (Avg 0.061 ms)
[0x2391e70] main input debug: creating demux: access='http' demux='' path='x.x.x.x:xxxx'
[0x23cc850] main demux debug: looking for demux module: 52 candidates
[0x23cc850] ts demux debug: pid[1281] unknown
[0x23cc850] ts demux debug: pid[1282] unknown
[0x23cc850] ts demux debug: pid[1] unknown
libdvbpsi error (PSI decoder): TS discontinuity (received 3, expected 0) for PID 0
[0x23cc850] ts demux debug: PATCallBack called
[0x23cc850] ts demux debug: new PAT ts_id=7 version=2 current_next=1
[0x23cc850] ts demux debug: * number=1 pid=1280
libdvbpsi error (PSI decoder): TS discontinuity (received 12, expected 0) for PID 1280
[0x23cc850] ts demux debug: PMTCallBack called
[0x23cc850] ts demux debug: new PMT program number=1 version=2 pid_pcr=1281
[0x23cc850] ts demux debug: * descriptor : unknown (0xe)
[0x23cc850] ts demux debug: * descriptor : registration CUEI
[0x23cc850] ts demux debug: * es pid=1281 type=2 dr->i_tag=0x6
[0x23cc850] ts demux debug: * es pid=1281 type=2 fcc=mpgv
[0x2391e70] main input debug: selecting program id=1
[0x23cc850] ts demux debug: * es pid=1282 type=4 fcc=mpga
[0x23bca80] access_http access warning: unimplemented query in control
[0x23cc850] main demux debug: using demux module "ts"
[0x23cc850] main demux debug: TIMER module_need() : 468.140 ms - Total 468.140 ms / 1 intvls (Avg 468.140 ms)
[0x23b3010] main decoder debug: looking for packetizer module: 21 candidates
[0x23b3010] main decoder debug: using packetizer module "packetizer_mpegvideo"
[0x23b3010] main decoder debug: TIMER module_need() : 1.782 ms - Total 1.782 ms / 1 intvls (Avg 1.782 ms)
[0x23b3010] main decoder debug: thread (decoder) created at priority 0 (input/decoder.c:301)
[0x23b3010] main decoder debug: thread started
[0x7fa330002070] main decoder debug: looking for packetizer module: 21 candidates
[0x7fa330002070] main decoder debug: using packetizer module "mpeg_audio"
[0x7fa330002070] main decoder debug: TIMER module_need() : 0.738 ms - Total 0.738 ms / 1 intvls (Avg 0.738 ms)
[0x7fa330002070] main decoder debug: thread started
[0x7fa330002070] main decoder debug: thread (decoder) created at priority 5 (input/decoder.c:301)
[0x23cc850] ts demux debug: DEMUX_SET_GROUP -1 (nil)
[0x2391e70] main input debug: starting in async mode
[0x7fa330002a70] main demux meta debug: looking for meta reader module: 2 candidates
[0x7fa330002a70] lua demux meta debug: Trying Lua scripts in /home/zeleniy/.local/share/vlc/lua/meta/reader
[0x7fa330002a70] lua demux meta debug: Trying Lua scripts in /usr/lib/vlc/lua/meta/reader
[0x7fa330002a70] lua demux meta debug: Trying Lua playlist script /usr/lib/vlc/lua/meta/reader/filename.luac
[0x7fa330002a70] lua demux meta debug: Trying Lua scripts in /usr/share/vlc/lua/meta/reader
[0x7fa330002a70] main demux meta debug: no meta reader module matching "any" could be loaded
[0x7fa330002a70] main demux meta debug: TIMER module_need() : 0.602 ms - Total 0.602 ms / 1 intvls (Avg 0.602 ms)
[0x2391e70] main input debug: `http://x.x.x.x:xxxx' successfully opened
[0x23cc850] ts demux warning: first packet for pid=1281 cc=0x8
[0x23cc850] ts demux warning: first packet for pid=1282 cc=0xd
[0x2391e70] main input debug: Buffering 0%
[0x2391e70] main input debug: Buffering 2%
[0x2391e70] main input debug: Buffering 5%
[0x2391e70] main input debug: switching to sync mode
[0x23b3010] packetizer_mpegvideo decoder debug: waiting for sequence start
[0x2391e70] main input debug: Buffering 8%
[0x2391e70] main input debug: Buffering 11%
[0x23b3010] packetizer_mpegvideo decoder debug: waiting for sequence start
[0x2391e70] main input debug: Buffering 14%
[0x23b3010] packetizer_mpegvideo decoder debug: waiting for sequence start
[0x23b3010] packetizer_mpegvideo decoder debug: waiting for sequence start
[0x2391e70] main input debug: Buffering 17%
[0x2391e70] main input debug: Buffering 20%
[0x23b3010] packetizer_mpegvideo decoder debug: waiting for sequence start
[0x2391e70] main input debug: Buffering 23%
[0x23b3010] packetizer_mpegvideo decoder debug: waiting for sequence start
[0x23b3010] packetizer_mpegvideo decoder debug: waiting for sequence start
[0x2391e70] main input debug: Buffering 26%
[0x2391e70] main input debug: Buffering 29%
[0x23b3010] packetizer_mpegvideo decoder debug: waiting for sequence start
libdvbpsi error (PSI decoder): TS discontinuity (received 10, expected 0) for PID 17
[0x23cc850] ts demux debug: PSINewTableCallBack: table 0x42(66) ext=0x7(7)
[0x23cc850] ts demux debug: SDTCallBack called
[0x23cc850] ts demux debug: new SDT ts_id=7 version=2 current_next=1 network_id=7
[0x23cc850] ts demux debug: * service id=1 eit schedule=0 present=0 running=4 free_ca=1
[0x23cc850] ts demux debug: - type=1 provider=SPACECOM name=Unian-TV
[0x2391e70] main input debug: EsOutProgramMeta: number=1
[0x23b3010] packetizer_mpegvideo decoder debug: waiting for sequence start
[0x2391e70] main input debug: Buffering 32%
[0x23b3010] packetizer_mpegvideo decoder debug: waiting for sequence start
[0x2391e70] main input debug: Buffering 35%
[0x23b3010] packetizer_mpegvideo decoder debug: waiting for sequence start
[0x2391e70] main input debug: Buffering 38%
[0x23b3010] packetizer_mpegvideo decoder debug: waiting for sequence start
[0x23b3010] packetizer_mpegvideo decoder debug: waiting for sequence start
[0x2391e70] main input debug: Buffering 41%
[0x2391e70] main input debug: Buffering 44%
[0x23b3010] packetizer_mpegvideo decoder debug: waiting for sequence start
[0x2391e70] main input debug: Buffering 46%
[0x23b3010] packetizer_mpegvideo decoder debug: waiting for sequence start
[0x23b3010] packetizer_mpegvideo decoder debug: waiting for sequence start
[0x2391e70] main input debug: Buffering 49%
[0x2391e70] main input debug: Buffering 52%
[0x23b3010] packetizer_mpegvideo decoder debug: waiting for sequence start
[0x2391e70] main input debug: Buffering 55%
[0x23b3010] packetizer_mpegvideo decoder debug: waiting for sequence start
[0x23b3010] packetizer_mpegvideo decoder debug: waiting for sequence start
[0x2391e70] main input debug: Buffering 58%
[0x2391e70] main input debug: Buffering 61%
[0x23b3010] packetizer_mpegvideo decoder debug: waiting for sequence start
[0x2391e70] main input debug: Buffering 64%
[0x23b3010] packetizer_mpegvideo decoder debug: waiting for sequence start
[0x23b3010] packetizer_mpegvideo decoder debug: waiting for sequence start
[0x2391e70] main input debug: Buffering 67%
[0x2391e70] main input debug: Buffering 70%
[0x2391e70] main input debug: Buffering 73%
[0x2391e70] main input debug: Buffering 76%
[0x2391e70] main input debug: Buffering 79%
[0x23b3010] packetizer_mpegvideo decoder debug: waiting for sequence start
[0x23b3010] packetizer_mpegvideo decoder debug: size 720x576 fps=25.000
[0x2391e70] main input debug: Buffering 82%
[0x7fa330001a40] main stream output debug: adding a new sout input (sout_input:0x7fa330006900)
[0x23b63a0] main mux debug: adding a new input
[0x23b63a0] mux_ts mux debug: adding input codec=mpgv pid=68
[0x23b63a0] mux_ts mux debug: new PCR PID is 68
[0x7fa330002070] mpeg_audio decoder debug: MPGA channels:1 samplerate:48000 bitrate:192
[0x7fa330001a40] main stream output debug: adding a new sout input (sout_input:0x7fa330006990)
[0x23b63a0] main mux debug: adding a new input
[0x23b63a0] mux_ts mux debug: adding input codec=mpga pid=69
[0x2391e70] main input debug: Buffering 85%
[0x2391e70] main input debug: Buffering 88%
[0x2391e70] main input debug: Buffering 91%
[0x2391e70] main input debug: Buffering 93%
[0x2391e70] main input debug: Buffering 96%
[0x2391e70] main input debug: Buffering 99%
[0x2391e70] main input debug: Stream buffering done (1233 ms in 1223 ms)
[0x2391e70] main input debug: Decoder buffering done in 0 ms
[0x23b63a0] mux_ts mux debug: adjusting rate at -662556/200000 (6/775)
[0x23b4e20] access_output_udp access out debug: late packet for UDP input (89285)
[0x23b4e20] access_output_udp access out debug: late packet for UDP input (81513)
[0x23b4e20] access_output_udp access out debug: late packet for UDP input (73736)
[0x23b4e20] access_output_udp access out debug: late packet for UDP input (65954)
[0x23b4e20] access_output_udp access out debug: late packet for UDP input (58172)
[0x23b4e20] access_output_udp access out debug: late packet for UDP input (50389)
[0x23b4e20] access_output_udp access out debug: late packet for UDP input (42607)
[0x23b4e20] access_output_udp access out debug: late packet for UDP input (34825)
[0x23b4e20] access_output_udp access out debug: late packet for UDP input (27042)
[0x23b4e20] access_output_udp access out debug: late packet for UDP input (19259)
[0x23b4e20] access_output_udp access out debug: late packet for UDP input (11476)
[0x23b4e20] access_output_udp access out debug: late packet for UDP input (3693)
[0x23b4e20] access_output_udp access out debug: mmh, packets in the past (661444)
[0x23b4e20] access_output_udp access out debug: packet has been sent too late (661558)
[0x23b4e20] access_output_udp access out debug: packet has been sent too late (653794)
[0x23b4e20] access_output_udp access out debug: packet has been sent too late (646026)
[0x23b4e20] access_output_udp access out debug: packet has been sent too late (638265)
[0x23b4e20] access_output_udp access out debug: packet has been sent too late (630500)
[0x23b4e20] access_output_udp access out debug: packet has been sent too late (622738)
[0x23b4e20] access_output_udp access out debug: packet has been sent too late (614974)
[0x23b4e20] access_output_udp access out debug: packet has been sent too late (607210)
[0x23b4e20] access_output_udp access out debug: packet has been sent too late (599444)
[0x23b4e20] access_output_udp access out debug: packet has been sent too late (591680)
[0x23b4e20] access_output_udp access out debug: packet has been sent too late (583914)
[0x23b4e20] access_output_udp access out debug: packet has been sent too late (576151)
[0x23b4e20] access_output_udp access out debug: packet has been sent too late (568385)
[0x23b4e20] access_output_udp access out debug: packet has been sent too late (560622)
[0x23b4e20] access_output_udp access out debug: packet has been sent too late (552856)
[0x23b4e20] access_output_udp access out debug: packet has been sent too late (545092)
[0x23b4e20] access_output_udp access out debug: packet has been sent too late (537326)
[0x23b4e20] access_output_udp access out debug: packet has been sent too late (529562)
[0x23b4e20] access_output_udp access out debug: packet has been sent too late (521797)
[0x23b4e20] access_output_udp access out debug: packet has been sent too late (514031)
[0x23b4e20] access_output_udp access out debug: packet has been sent too late (506265)
[0x23b4e20] access_output_udp access out debug: packet has been sent too late (498500)
[0x23b4e20] access_output_udp access out debug: packet has been sent too late (490734)
[0x23b4e20] access_output_udp access out debug: packet has been sent too late (482969)
[0x23b4e20] access_output_udp access out debug: packet has been sent too late (475203)
[0x23b4e20] access_output_udp access out debug: packet has been sent too late (467439)
[0x23b4e20] access_output_udp access out debug: packet has been sent too late (459672)
[0x23b4e20] access_output_udp access out debug: packet has been sent too late (451906)
[0x23b4e20] access_output_udp access out debug: packet has been sent too late (444139)
[0x23b4e20] access_output_udp access out debug: packet has been sent too late (436376)
[0x23b4e20] access_output_udp access out debug: packet has been sent too late (428610)
[0x23b4e20] access_output_udp access out debug: packet has been sent too late (420844)
[0x23b4e20] access_output_udp access out debug: packet has been sent too late (413077)
[0x23b4e20] access_output_udp access out debug: packet has been sent too late (405310)
[0x23b4e20] access_output_udp access out debug: packet has been sent too late (397547)
[0x23b4e20] access_output_udp access out debug: packet has been sent too late (389783)
[0x23b4e20] access_output_udp access out debug: packet has been sent too late (382016)
[0x23b4e20] access_output_udp access out debug: packet has been sent too late (374250)
[0x23b4e20] access_output_udp access out debug: packet has been sent too late (366486)
[0x23b4e20] access_output_udp access out debug: packet has been sent too late (358720)
[0x23b4e20] access_output_udp access out debug: packet has been sent too late (350953)
[0x23b4e20] access_output_udp access out debug: packet has been sent too late (343187)
[0x23b4e20] access_output_udp access out debug: packet has been sent too late (335421)
[0x23b4e20] access_output_udp access out debug: packet has been sent too late (327657)
[0x23b4e20] access_output_udp access out debug: packet has been sent too late (319890)
[0x23b4e20] access_output_udp access out debug: packet has been sent too late (312124)
[0x23b4e20] access_output_udp access out debug: packet has been sent too late (304357)
[0x23b4e20] access_output_udp access out debug: packet has been sent too late (296594)
[0x23b4e20] access_output_udp access out debug: packet has been sent too late (288828)
[0x23b4e20] access_output_udp access out debug: packet has been sent too late (281061)
[0x23b4e20] access_output_udp access out debug: packet has been sent too late (273295)
[0x23b4e20] access_output_udp access out debug: packet has been sent too late (265531)
[0x23b4e20] access_output_udp access out debug: packet has been sent too late (257765)
[0x23b4e20] access_output_udp access out debug: packet has been sent too late (250000)
[0x23b4e20] access_output_udp access out debug: packet has been sent too late (242233)
[0x23b4e20] access_output_udp access out debug: packet has been sent too late (234466)
[0x23b4e20] access_output_udp access out debug: packet has been sent too late (226703)
[0x23b4e20] access_output_udp access out debug: packet has been sent too late (218937)
[0x23b4e20] access_output_udp access out debug: packet has been sent too late (211170)
[0x23b4e20] access_output_udp access out debug: packet has been sent too late (203404)
[0x23b4e20] access_output_udp access out debug: packet has been sent too late (195641)
[0x23b4e20] access_output_udp access out debug: packet has been sent too late (189620)
[0x23b4e20] access_output_udp access out debug: packet has been sent too late (181857)
[0x23b4e20] access_output_udp access out debug: packet has been sent too late (174091)
[0x23b4e20] access_output_udp access out debug: packet has been sent too late (166329)
[0x23b4e20] access_output_udp access out debug: packet has been sent too late (158566)
[0x23b4e20] access_output_udp access out debug: packet has been sent too late (150800)
[0x23b4e20] access_output_udp access out debug: packet has been sent too late (143034)
[0x23b4e20] access_output_udp access out debug: packet has been sent too late (135270)
[0x23b4e20] access_output_udp access out debug: packet has been sent too late (127508)
[0x23b4e20] access_output_udp access out debug: packet has been sent too late (119745)
[0x23b4e20] access_output_udp access out debug: packet has been sent too late (111980)
[0x23b4e20] access_output_udp access out debug: packet has been sent too late (104216)
[0x23b4e20] access_output_udp access out debug: packet has been sent too late (96453)
[0x23b4e20] access_output_udp access out debug: packet has been sent too late (88689)
[0x23b4e20] access_output_udp access out debug: packet has been sent too late (80923)
[0x23b4e20] access_output_udp access out debug: packet has been sent too late (73158)
[0x23b4e20] access_output_udp access out debug: packet has been sent too late (65395)
[0x23b4e20] access_output_udp access out debug: packet has been sent too late (57629)
[0x23b4e20] access_output_udp access out debug: packet has been sent too late (49863)
[0x23b4e20] access_output_udp access out debug: packet has been sent too late (42098)
[0x23b4e20] access_output_udp access out debug: packet has been sent too late (34331)
[0x23b4e20] access_output_udp access out debug: packet has been sent too late (26569)

Затем в логи начинает сыпать:
[0xa210b8] ts demux warning: discontinuity received 0xd instead of 0x8 (pid=316)
[0xa210b8] ts demux warning: discontinuity received 0x8 instead of 0x4 (pid=461)
[0xa210b8] ts demux warning: discontinuity received 0xe instead of 0x8 (pid=316)
[0xa210b8] ts demux warning: discontinuity received 0x6 instead of 0x4 (pid=461)

Картинка начинает рассыпаться. Смотрим напрямую с источника потока все ок.
Пробовал http-caching и file-caching не помогает, до этого стоял vlc 1.0.6, обновил до 1.1.13, система Ubuntu 10.04 amd64. На форуме videolan решения проблемы не нашел. Входящий поток mpeg-2 720x576. Если отдавать по http все ок. Спасибо за ответы.
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