# For this example to work, you need to create a file `locale/de.json` containing the following:
"HIGHSCORE_COMMAND_DESCRIPTION": "Zeigt die Rekordpunktzahl des Users innerhalb des gewählten Zeitraums.",
"HIGHSCORE_USER_DESCRIPTION": "Der User, dessen Punktzahl gezeigt werden soll.",
"HIGHSCORE_GAME_DESCRIPTION": "Spiel, für das Punktzahlen gefiltert werden.",
"HIGHSCORE_RANGE_DESCRIPTION": "Der Zeitraum zur Berechnung der Rekordpunktzahl.",
"CHOICE_DAY": "Letzter Tag",
"CHOICE_WEEK": "Letzte Woche",
"CHOICE_MONTH": "Letzter Monat",
"GAME_TIC-TAC-TOE": "Tic-Tac-Toe",
"GAME_CHESS": "Schach",
"GAME_RISK": "Risiko"
# localizations need to be loaded before the commands are defined
async def highscore(
inter: disnake.CommandInteraction,
user: disnake.User,
game: str,
interval: str = commands.Param(
OptionChoice(Localized("Last Day", key="CHOICE_DAY"), "day"),
OptionChoice(Localized("Last Week", key="CHOICE_WEEK"), "week"),
OptionChoice(Localized("Last Month", key="CHOICE_MONTH"), "month"),
"""Shows the highscore of the selected user within the specified interval.
user: The user to show data for. {{ HIGHSCORE_USER }}
game: Which game to check scores in. {{ HIGHSCORE_GAME }}
interval: The time interval to use. {{ HIGHSCORE_RANGE }}
db: Any = ... # a placeholder for an actual database connection
data = await db.highscores.find(user=user.id, game=game).filter(interval).max()
await inter.send(f"max: {data}")
async def game_autocomp(inter: disnake.CommandInteraction, string: str):
# this clearly isn't great autocompletion as it autocompletes based on the English name,
# but for the purposes of this example it'll do
games = ("Tic-tac-toe", "Chess", "Risk")
return [
Localized(game, key=f"GAME_{game.upper()}")
for game in games
if string.lower() in game.lower()