Ребята помогите разобраться с composer и cdek-it/cdek-sdk2.0.
Устанавливаю composer require cdek-it/cdek-sdk2.0 но выдает ошибку:
Could not find a matching version of package cdek-it/cdek-sdk2.0. Check the package spelling, your version constraint and that the package is available in a stability which matches your minimum-stability (dev).
Package "cdek-it/sdk2.0" could not be found with constraint "2.0", results below will most likely be incomplete.
laravel/laravel dev-main requires cdek-it/sdk2.0 (^1.0)
Not finding what you were looking for? Try calling `composer update "cdek-it/sdk2.0:2.0" --dry-run` to get another view on the problem.