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Почему бот телеграмма завершается сам по себе?

Код бота
import telebot
# Create a bot object
bot = telebot.TeleBot('<TELEGRAM TOKEN>')
# Define a function to greet the user
def greet_user(message):
    # Get the user's name
    name = message.from_user.first_name
    # Send a message to the user
    bot.send_message(message.chat_id, f"Hello {name}!")
# Define a function to get the user's VK ID
def get_vk_id(message):
    # Get the user's message
    text = message.text
    # Extract the VK ID from the message
    vk_id = text.split("/")[-1]
    # Return the VK ID
    return vk_id
# Define a function to send a list of songs to the user
def send_song_list(message, vk_id):
    # Get the user's songs
    songs = get_songs_from_vk(vk_id)
    # Create a message with the list of songs
    message = f"Here is a list of your songs:\n"
    for song in songs:
        message += f"* {song}\n"
    # Send the message to the user
    bot.send_message(message.chat_id, message)
# Define a function to download a song from VK
def download_song(message, song_name):
    # Get the song file from VK
    song_file = get_song_file_from_vk(song_name)
    # Save the song file to the user's device
    save_song_file(song_file, message.chat_id)
# Define a function to get the song file from VK
def get_song_file_from_vk(song_name):
    # Get the song URL from VK
    song_url = get_song_url_from_vk(song__from_vk(song_name))
    # Download the song file
    response = requests.get(song_url)
    song_file = response.content
    # Return the song file
    return song_file
# Define a function to get the song URL from VK
def get_song_url_from_vk(song_name):
    # Get the user's VK ID
    vk_id = get_user_vk_id(message)
    # Get the song URL from VK
    url = f"https://api.vk.com/method/audio.get?owner_id={vk_id}&q={song_name}&access_token=<VK_ACCESS_TOKEN>"
    response = requests.get(url)
    data = response.json()
    song_url = data["response"]["items"][0]["url"]
    # Return the song URL
    return song_url
# Define a function to get the user's VK ID
def get_user_vk_id(message):
    # Get the user's ID from the message
    user_id = message.from_user.id
    # Get the user's VK ID from the database
    vk_id = get_vk_id_from_database(user_id)
    # Return the VK ID
    return vk_id
# Define a function to get the user's songs from VK
def get_songs_from_vk(vk_id):
    # Get the user's songs from VK
    url = f"https://api.vk.com/method/audio.get?owner_id={vk_id}&access_token=<Token VK>"
    response = requests.get(url)
    data = response.json()
    songs = [song["title"] for song in data["response"]["items"]]
    # Return the list of songs
    return songs
# Define a function to save a song file to the user's device
def save_song_file(song_file, chat_id):
    # Save the song file to the user's device
    with open(f"song_{chat_id}.mp3", "wb") as file:
    # Send the song file to the user
    bot.send_audio(chat_id, open(f"song_{chat_id}.mp3", "rb"))
# Define a function to handlenction to handle the "/start" command
def start_command(message):
    # Greet the user
    # Send a message about the bot's functionality
    bot.send_message(message.chat_id, "Welcome to the VK music bot! I can send you your own music from VK. Just send me your VK ID in the format 'https://vk.com/durov/' and I will send you your music.")
    # Add a button to the message
    markup = telebot.types.InlineKeyboardMarkup()
    markup.add(telebot.types.InlineKeyboardButton(text="Send VK ID", callback_data="vk_id"))
    bot.send_message(message.chat_id, "Click the button below to send your VK ID.", reply_markup=markup)
# Define a function to handle the "vk_id" button click
@bot.callback_query_handler(func=lambda call: call.data == "vk_id")
def vk_id_button_click(call):
    # Ask the user to send his VK ID
    bot.send_message(call.message.chat.id, "Please send me your VK ID in the format 'https://vk.com/durov/'")
    # Add a message handler to the user's message
    bot.register_next_step_handler(call.message, get_vk_id_step_2)
# Define a function to handle the user's message after sending his VK ID
def get_vk_id_step_2(message):
    # Get the user's VK ID
    vk_id = get_vk_id(message)
    # Save the user's VK ID to the database
    save_vk_id_to_database(message.from_user.id, vk_id)
    # Send the list of songs to the user
    send_song_list(message, vk_id)
# Define a function to save the user's VK ID to the database
def save_vk_id_to_database(user_id, vk_id):
    # Save the user's VK ID to the database
    # ...

# Start the bot
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Ответы на вопрос 3
Код странный, но можешь попробовать написать вместо bot.polling() это bot.infinity_polling(), иногда у меня возникает такая проблема. Если не поможет, то, кто то другой поможет.
Ответ написан
У тебя bot.polling() почему-то с отступом. Как будто он внутри save_vk_id_to_database().
Проверь код ещё раз. Отступы в питоне критичны!
Ответ написан
Вроде человек. Вроде учусь. Вроде пайтону
ни одного декоратора не вижу. как телебот будет работать без ничего?
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