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Не работает owl carousel mousewheel?

Поставил mousewheel scrolling -> подключил плагин jquery.mousewheel.js, но скроллинг колёсиком не работает
$(document).ready(function() {
    var el = $('.owl-carousel1');

    var carousel;
    var carouselOptions = {
        margin: 20,
        nav: false,
        dots: false,
        slideBy: 'page',
        responsive: {
            0: {
                items: 2,
                rows: 1 //custom option not used by Owl Carousel, but used by the algorithm below
            768: {
                items: 3,
                rows: 1 //custom option not used by Owl Carousel, but used by the algorithm below
            991: {
                items: 4,
                rows: 2 //custom option not used by Owl Carousel, but used by the algorithm below

    //Taken from Owl Carousel so we calculate width the same way
    var viewport = function() {
        var width;
        if (carouselOptions.responsiveBaseElement && carouselOptions.responsiveBaseElement !== window) {
            width = $(carouselOptions.responsiveBaseElement).width();
        } else if (window.innerWidth) {
            width = window.innerWidth;
        } else if (document.documentElement && document.documentElement.clientWidth) {
            width = document.documentElement.clientWidth;
        } else {
            console.warn('Can not detect viewport width.');
        return width;

    var severalRows = false;
    var orderedBreakpoints = [];
    for (var breakpoint in carouselOptions.responsive) {
        if (carouselOptions.responsive[breakpoint].rows > 1) {
            severalRows = true;

    //Custom logic is active if carousel is set up to have more than one row for some given window width
    if (severalRows) {
        orderedBreakpoints.sort(function (a, b) {
            return b - a;
        var slides = el.find('[data-slide-index]');
        var slidesNb = slides.length;
        if (slidesNb > 0) {
            var rowsNb;
            var previousRowsNb = undefined;
            var colsNb;
            var previousColsNb = undefined;

            //Calculates number of rows and cols based on current window width
            var updateRowsColsNb = function () {
                var width =  viewport();
                for (var i = 0; i < orderedBreakpoints.length; i++) {
                    var breakpoint = orderedBreakpoints[i];
                    if (width >= breakpoint || i == (orderedBreakpoints.length - 1)) {
                        var breakpointSettings = carouselOptions.responsive['' + breakpoint];
                        rowsNb = breakpointSettings.rows;
                        colsNb = breakpointSettings.items;

            var updateCarousel = function () {

                //Carousel is recalculated if and only if a change in number of columns/rows is requested
                if (rowsNb != previousRowsNb || colsNb != previousColsNb) {
                    var reInit = false;
                    if (carousel) {
                        //Destroy existing carousel if any, and set html markup back to its initial state
                        carousel = undefined;
                        slides = el.find('[data-slide-index]').detach().appendTo(el);
                        reInit = true;

                    //This is the only real 'smart' part of the algorithm

                    //First calculate the number of needed columns for the whole carousel
                    var perPage = rowsNb * colsNb;
                    var pageIndex = Math.floor(slidesNb / perPage);
                    var fakeColsNb = pageIndex * colsNb + (slidesNb >= (pageIndex * perPage + colsNb) ? colsNb : (slidesNb % colsNb));

                    //Then populate with needed html markup
                    var count = 0;
                    for (var i = 0; i < fakeColsNb; i++) {
                        //For each column, create a new wrapper div
                        var fakeCol = $('<div class="fake-col-wrapper"></div>').appendTo(el);
                        for (var j = 0; j < rowsNb; j++) {
                            //For each row in said column, calculate which slide should be present
                            var index = Math.floor(count / perPage) * perPage + (i % colsNb) + j * colsNb;
                            if (index < slidesNb) {
                                //If said slide exists, move it under wrapper div
                                slides.filter('[data-slide-index=' + index + ']').detach().appendTo(fakeCol);
                    //end of 'smart' part

                    previousRowsNb = rowsNb;
                    previousColsNb = colsNb;

                    if (reInit) {
                        //re-init carousel with new markup
                        carousel = el.owlCarousel(carouselOptions);

            //Trigger possible update when window size changes
            $(window).on('resize', updateCarousel);

            //We need to execute the algorithm once before first init in any case

    carousel = el.owlCarousel(carouselOptions);
el.on('mousewheel', '.owl-stage', function (e) {
    if (e.deltaY>0) {
    } else {
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