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Error CS1061 unity how to fix the error (Blockchain Game using Moralis, Unity, C#)?

When transferring the files of this project to another project, I got two errors:(

The first:
Assets\NFT\ThirdParty\NavMeshComponents\Editor\NavMeshAssetManager.cs(44,73): CS1061 error: ‘PrefabStage’ does not contain a definition for ‘assetPath’ and could not find an available ‘assetPath’ extension method that accepts the first argument of type ‘PrefabStage’ (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)

The second:
Assets\NFT\ThirdParty\NavMeshComponents\Editor\NavMeshAssetManager.cs(46,81): CS1061 error: ‘PrefabStage’ does not contain a definition for ‘assetPath’ and an available ‘assetPath’ extension method could not be found that accepts the first argument of type ‘PrefabStage’ (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)

Screenshot of the error code:
Скриншот фрагмента кода удален модератором - см.п.3.8 Регламента.

If you need the project itself, then here is the link: https://github.com/MoralisWeb3/youtube-tutorials/r...

Unfortunately, the code does not fit completely:( So I decided to add the code with 1-188 lines here and 189-326 in the comments:)

The first part of the code(1-188):
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using UnityEditor.Experimental.SceneManagement;
using UnityEditor.SceneManagement;
using UnityEngine.AI;
using UnityEngine;

namespace UnityEditor.AI
    public class NavMeshAssetManager : ScriptableSingleton<NavMeshAssetManager>
        internal struct AsyncBakeOperation
            public NavMeshSurface Surface;
            public NavMeshData BakeData;
            public AsyncOperation BakeOperation;

        List<AsyncBakeOperation> m_BakeOperations = new List<AsyncBakeOperation>();
        internal List<AsyncBakeOperation> GetBakeOperations() { return m_BakeOperations; }

        struct SavedPrefabNavMeshData
            public NavMeshSurface Surface;
            public NavMeshData NavMeshData;

        List<SavedPrefabNavMeshData> m_PrefabNavMeshDataAssets = new List<SavedPrefabNavMeshData>();

        static string GetAndEnsureTargetPath(NavMeshSurface surface)
            // Create directory for the asset if it does not exist yet.
            var activeScenePath = surface.gameObject.scene.path;

            var targetPath = "Assets";
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(activeScenePath))
                targetPath = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(activeScenePath), Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(activeScenePath));
                var prefabStage = PrefabStageUtility.GetPrefabStage(surface.gameObject);
                var isPartOfPrefab = prefabStage != null && prefabStage.IsPartOfPrefabContents(surface.gameObject);
                if (isPartOfPrefab && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(prefabStage.assetPath))
                    var prefabDirectoryName = Path.GetDirectoryName(prefabStage.assetPath);
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(prefabDirectoryName))
                        targetPath = prefabDirectoryName;
            if (!Directory.Exists(targetPath))
            return targetPath;

        static void CreateNavMeshAsset(NavMeshSurface surface)
            var targetPath = GetAndEnsureTargetPath(surface);

            var combinedAssetPath = Path.Combine(targetPath, "NavMesh-" + surface.name + ".asset");
            combinedAssetPath = AssetDatabase.GenerateUniqueAssetPath(combinedAssetPath);
            AssetDatabase.CreateAsset(surface.navMeshData, combinedAssetPath);

        NavMeshData GetNavMeshAssetToDelete(NavMeshSurface navSurface)
            if (PrefabUtility.IsPartOfPrefabInstance(navSurface) && !PrefabUtility.IsPartOfModelPrefab(navSurface))
                // Don't allow deleting the asset belonging to the prefab parent
                var parentSurface = PrefabUtility.GetCorrespondingObjectFromSource(navSurface) as NavMeshSurface;
                if (parentSurface && navSurface.navMeshData == parentSurface.navMeshData)
                    return null;

            // Do not delete the NavMeshData asset referenced from a prefab until the prefab is saved
            var prefabStage = PrefabStageUtility.GetPrefabStage(navSurface.gameObject);
            var isPartOfPrefab = prefabStage != null && prefabStage.IsPartOfPrefabContents(navSurface.gameObject);
            if (isPartOfPrefab && IsCurrentPrefabNavMeshDataStored(navSurface))
                return null;

            return navSurface.navMeshData;

        void ClearSurface(NavMeshSurface navSurface)
            var hasNavMeshData = navSurface.navMeshData != null;

            var assetToDelete = GetNavMeshAssetToDelete(navSurface);

            if (hasNavMeshData)
                SetNavMeshData(navSurface, null);

            if (assetToDelete)

        public void StartBakingSurfaces(UnityEngine.Object[] surfaces)
            // Remove first to avoid double registration of the callback
            EditorApplication.update -= UpdateAsyncBuildOperations;
            EditorApplication.update += UpdateAsyncBuildOperations;

            foreach (NavMeshSurface surf in surfaces)

                var oper = new AsyncBakeOperation();

                oper.BakeData = InitializeBakeData(surf);
                oper.BakeOperation = surf.UpdateNavMesh(oper.BakeData);
                oper.Surface = surf;


        static NavMeshData InitializeBakeData(NavMeshSurface surface)
            var emptySources = new List<NavMeshBuildSource>();
            var emptyBounds = new Bounds();
            return UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshBuilder.BuildNavMeshData(surface.GetBuildSettings(), emptySources, emptyBounds
                , surface.transform.position, surface.transform.rotation);

        void UpdateAsyncBuildOperations()
            foreach (var oper in m_BakeOperations)
                if (oper.Surface == null || oper.BakeOperation == null)

                if (oper.BakeOperation.isDone)
                    var surface = oper.Surface;
                    var delete = GetNavMeshAssetToDelete(surface);
                    if (delete != null)

                    SetNavMeshData(surface, oper.BakeData);

                    if (surface.isActiveAndEnabled)
            m_BakeOperations.RemoveAll(o => o.BakeOperation == null || o.BakeOperation.isDone);
            if (m_BakeOperations.Count == 0)
                EditorApplication.update -= UpdateAsyncBuildOperations;

        public bool IsSurfaceBaking(NavMeshSurface surface)
            if (surface == null)
                return false;

            foreach (var oper in m_BakeOperations)
                if (oper.Surface == null || oper.BakeOperation == null)

                if (oper.Surface == surface)
                    return true;

            return false;

        public void ClearSurfaces(UnityEngine.Object[] surfaces)
            foreach (NavMeshSurface s in surfaces)

        static void SetNavMeshData(NavMeshSurface navSurface, NavMeshData navMeshData)
            var so = new SerializedObject(navSurface);
            var navMeshDataProperty = so.FindProperty("m_NavMeshData");
            navMeshDataProperty.objectReferenceValue = navMeshData;

Thank you in advance for your help!!^_^
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