1) Add in a Main class a sumEven() static method that takes two parameters: the first - an array of integers, and the second - the predicate of Predicate type for selecting numbers.
2) Add in a main() method code that invokes sumEven() method and in the form of a lambda expression specifies the selection condition the values of the array elements.
3) Add in a Main class a printJStr() static method that takes two parameters: the first - an list of strings, and the second - the predicate of Predicate type for the selection of strings beginning with a given letter.
4) Add in a main() method code that invokes printJStr() method and in the form of a lambda expression specifies the selection condition the strings.
static void sumEven(int[] a, Predicate<Integer> b) {
.sorted((x, y) -> Integer.compare(x, y))
static void printJStr(String[] str, Predicate<String> b) {
Arrays.stream(str).sorted((Comparator<? super String>) b).forEach(System.out::println);
public class Main {
private static int sumEven(int[] values, Predicate<Integer> test) {
return Arrays.stream(values)
public static void main(String[] args) {
int[] values = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8};
int sumOfEvenValues = Main.sumEven(values, x -> x % 2 == 0);
System.out.println("Sum of even is " + sumOfEvenValues);
List<String> strings = List.of(
Main.printJStr(strings, s -> s.startsWith("J"));
private static void printJStr(List<String> strings, Predicate<String> test) {