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Перезагружается телефон, есть кто прочитает логи с LogCat??

Имеется телефон, который изначально при покупке перезагружался, в режиме покоя очень часто может это делать, а так когда пользуюсь все норм. Менял прошивку, ядро кастом ставил, не помогает, сейчас снял логи перед без причинной перезагрузки телефона, читать их к сожалению не умею, надеюсь на вашу помощь... Прикреплю логирование за минуту до отключения.. Внутри телефона так же нет влаги и тд и тп, все проверяли.
05-21 01:26:13.556   904   904 I thermal_repeater: [recvMdThermalInfo] ret=29, strLen=127,  3, 26, -50, -28389, 32767, 0
05-21 01:26:15.014  4908  4941 W ServiceManager: Service media.VTS didn't start. Returning NULL
05-21 01:26:15.014  4908  4941 I VT      : [VTC] after getVTService
05-21 01:26:15.515  4908  4941 I VT      : [VTC] before getVTService
05-21 01:26:15.516  4908  4941 I ServiceManager: Waiting for service 'media.VTS' on '/dev/binder'...
05-21 01:26:18.112  1700  1700 D PowerNotificationWarningsGoogleImpl: onReceive: android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED
05-21 01:26:18.113  1700  4685 D PowerUI : can't show warning due to - plugged: true status unknown: false
05-21 01:26:18.115  1700  1700 D BatteryInfoBroadcast: onReceive: android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED isPowerSaveMode: false
05-21 01:26:18.115  1700  1700 D BatteryDefenderNotification: isPlugged: true | isOverheated: false | defenderEnabled: false | isCharged: false
05-21 01:26:20.526  4908  4941 W ServiceManager: Service media.VTS didn't start. Returning NULL
05-21 01:26:20.526  4908  4941 I VT      : [VTC] after getVTService
05-21 01:26:21.027  4908  4941 I VT      : [VTC] before getVTService
05-21 01:26:21.028  4908  4941 I ServiceManager: Waiting for service 'media.VTS' on '/dev/binder'...
05-21 01:26:23.575   904   904 I thermal_repeater: [recvMdThermalInfo] ret=29, strLen=127,  3, 26, -50, -28389, 32767, 0
05-21 01:26:26.037  4908  4941 W ServiceManager: Service media.VTS didn't start. Returning NULL
05-21 01:26:26.037  4908  4941 I VT      : [VTC] after getVTService
05-21 01:26:26.539  4908  4941 I VT      : [VTC] before getVTService
05-21 01:26:26.540  4908  4941 I ServiceManager: Waiting for service 'media.VTS' on '/dev/binder'...
05-21 01:26:29.546   792   798 W TeeEndorsementInstaller: Endorsement token not found, wait a bit longer [vendor/mediatek/proprietary/trustzone/trustonic/source/external/mobicore/common/500/Daemon/src/EndorsementInstaller.cpp:105]
05-21 01:26:30.154  1700  1700 D PowerNotificationWarningsGoogleImpl: onReceive: android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED
05-21 01:26:30.155  1700  4849 D PowerUI : can't show warning due to - plugged: true status unknown: false
05-21 01:26:30.157  1700  1700 D BatteryInfoBroadcast: onReceive: android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED isPowerSaveMode: false
05-21 01:26:30.157  1700  1700 D BatteryDefenderNotification: isPlugged: true | isOverheated: false | defenderEnabled: false | isCharged: false
05-21 01:26:30.635   777   795 D ccci_mdinit: (1):monitor_time_update_thread round:97 ########
05-21 01:26:31.549  4908  4941 W ServiceManager: Service media.VTS didn't start. Returning NULL
05-21 01:26:31.549  4908  4941 I VT      : [VTC] after getVTService
05-21 01:26:32.050  4908  4941 I VT      : [VTC] before getVTService
05-21 01:26:32.051  4908  4941 I ServiceManager: Waiting for service 'media.VTS' on '/dev/binder'...
05-21 01:26:33.596   904   904 I thermal_repeater: [recvMdThermalInfo] ret=29, strLen=127,  3, 27, -50, -28389, 32767, 0
05-21 01:26:35.075  2333  5774 I NearbyDiscovery: FastPair: isDestroyable: Scanner is alive. [CONTEXT service_id=49 ]
05-21 01:26:35.075  2333  5774 I NearbyDiscovery: DiscoveryService: Skip stopSelf(), fast pair controller is not destroyable. [CONTEXT service_id=49 ]
05-21 01:26:36.081  1700  1700 D PowerNotificationWarningsGoogleImpl: onReceive: android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED
05-21 01:26:36.081  1700  5076 D PowerUI : can't show warning due to - plugged: true status unknown: false
05-21 01:26:36.084  1700  1700 D BatteryInfoBroadcast: onReceive: android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED isPowerSaveMode: false
05-21 01:26:36.084  1700  1700 D BatteryDefenderNotification: isPlugged: true | isOverheated: false | defenderEnabled: false | isCharged: false
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