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Как добавить кириллические шрифты Google Fonts в готовый шаблон wp?

Здравствуйте, есть шаблон wordpress.org/themes/admired и wp последней версии
В шаблоне нашел где перечисляются все шрифты:admired\admin\admired-options.php
Сам код:
// *********************************** Fonts **************************************************

	array( "id" => $admired_shortname."-tab-3",
			"type" => "open-tab"),
	array("name" => __('<font size=4 color=#464646>Font Options</font>','admired'),
			"type" => "section"),

	array("name" => __('<font size=2 color=#464646>Settings that change your font styles.</font>','admired'),
			"type" => "section-desc"),
	array("type" => "open"),
	array("name" => __("Title and Description Fonts",'admired'),
			"id" => $admired_shortname."_head_font_select",
			"type" => "radio2",
			"desc" => __("Pick the font and type you would like to use for the header.",'admired'),
			"std" => "google",
			"options" => array("web-safe" => "Standard Font", "google" => "Google Font")),

	array ( 'name' => __('Standard Fonts','admired'), 'id' => $admired_shortname.'_title_description_font', 'type' => 'select',
			'desc' => __('Font used for the title and Description.','admired'),
			'std' => 'Garamond, serif',
			'value' => array( __('Garamond, serif','admired'),
			'Bitstream Charter, serif', 'Arial, sans-serif', 'Verdana, sans-serif', 
			'Arial Black, sans-serif', 'Avant Garde, sans-serif','Helvetica Neue, sans' ,'Courier New, mono',
			'Impact, sans-serif', 'Trebuchet, sans-serif', 'Century Gothic, sans-serif', 'Tahoma, sans-serif',
			'Lucida Grande, sans-serif', 'Univers, sans-serif','Times New Roman, serif', 'Georgia, serif', 'Palatino, serif',
			'Bookman, serif','Tahoma,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif','Andale Mono, mono', 'Comic Sans MS, sans-serif')),
	array ( 'name' => __('Google Fonts','admired'), 'id' => $admired_shortname.'_head_font', 'type' => 'select',
			'desc' => __('Google Font for the title and description.','admired'),
			'std' => 'Raleway',
			'value' => array( __('Raleway','admired'),
			'Arvo', 'Caesar Dressing', 'Calligraffitti','Copse','Covered By Your Grace','Crafty Girls', 'Diplomata SC', 'Droid Sans','Droid Serif', 'Flavors', 'Fredericka the Great', 'Lobster',
			'Macondo Swash Caps', 'Monoton', 'Nobile','Old Standard TT','Open Sans','Oswald','Pacifico','Permanent Marker','PT Sans','Quattrocento',
			'Redressed','Reenie Beanie','Rock Salt', 'Shadows Into Light', 'Shojumaru', 'Slackey','Sniglet','Special Elite','Tangerine',
			'Ubuntu','UnifrakturCook','Vollkorn','Yanone Kaffeesatz','Yellowtail')),

	array("name" => __("Content Font Type",'admired'),
			"id" => $admired_shortname."_content_font_select",
			"type" => "radio2",
			"desc" => __("Pick the font and type you would like to use for the content.",'admired'),
			"std" => "web-safe",
			"options" => array("web-safe" => "Standard Font", "google" => "Google Font")),
	array ( 'name' => __('Standard Fonts','admired'), 'id' => $admired_shortname.'_content_area_font', 'type' => 'select',
			'desc' => __('Font used for the content','admired'),
			'std' => 'Arial, sans-serif',
			'value' => array( __('Arial, sans-serif','admired'),
			'Bitstream Charter, serif', 'Courier New, mono', 'Verdana, sans-serif', 'Tahoma, sans-serif',
			'Arial Black, sans-serif', 'Avant Garde, sans-serif','Helvetica Neue, sans' ,
			'Impact, sans-serif', 'Trebuchet, sans-serif', 'Century Gothic, sans-serif',
			'Lucida Grande, sans-serif', 'Univers, sans-serif',
			'Times New Roman, serif', 'Georgia, serif', 'Palatino, serif',
			'Bookman, serif', 'Garamond, serif',
			'Andale Mono, mono', 'Comic Sans MS, sans-serif')),

	// Google Font
	array ( 'name' => __('Google Fonts','admired'), 'id' => $admired_shortname.'_body_font', 'type' => 'select',
			'desc' => __('Google Font used for the content','admired'),
			'std' => 'Lobster',
			'value' => array( __('Lobster','admired'),
			'Arvo', 'Caesar Dressing', 'Calligraffitti','Copse','Covered By Your Grace','Crafty Girls', 'Diplomata SC', 'Droid Sans','Droid Serif', 'Flavors', 'Fredericka the Great', 'Macondo Swash Caps',
			'Monoton', 'Nobile','Old Standard TT','Open Sans','Oswald','Pacifico','Permanent Marker','PT Sans','Quattrocento','Raleway',
			'Redressed','Reenie Beanie','Rock Salt', 'Shadows Into Light', 'Shojumaru', 'Slackey','Sniglet','Special Elite','Tangerine',
			'Ubuntu','UnifrakturCook','Vollkorn','Yanone Kaffeesatz','Yellowtail','Comfortaa')),
	array("type" => "close"),
	array( "type" => "save-opts"),
	array( "type" => "close-tab"),


Если добавить в тот же список от google например шрифт Ruslan Display, он нормально будет отображатся, но без кириллицы, походу как то нужно подсунуть вот это=cyrillic-ext
Но куда ??
  • Вопрос задан
  • 4691 просмотр
Подписаться 3 Оценить Комментировать
Решения вопроса 1
противоречивый, сложный, весь компьютерный.
12 строчка
<link href='http://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=<?php echo str_replace(" ", "+",$options['admired_body_font']); ?>|<?php echo str_replace(" ", "+",$options['admired_head_font']); ?>&subset=latin,cyrillic,cyrillic-ext' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'>

посмотрите, куда я добавил &subset=latin,cyrillic,cyrillic-ext
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