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Как заставить 3g модем подключиться к сети?

Всем привет.
Есть достаточно магическая ситуация, есть 16 одинаковых 3g модема (Huawei e352), 6 из них куплены чуть раньше, 10 чуть позже. Прошивка одна, версия одна, разница только в серийниках.
Устанавливаю соединение при помощи скрипта sakis3g.
Первые 6 отлично подключаются, остальные 10 не хотят.
Самое интересное в том, что насколько я понимаю ситуацию, все модемы отлично подключаются к сети, но вторая половина не может пройти авторизацию.

Куски дебажного лога sakis3g в которых начинаются отличия:

1. Подключаемся:

[18138] [01:17:53] PID 21012 is still running.
[18138] [01:17:53] Located "netstat" within PATH (/bin/netstat).
[18138] [01:17:53] Waiting for interface to go up (0 seconds passed).
[18138] [01:17:54] PID 21012 is still running.
[18138] [01:17:54] Waiting for interface to go up (1 seconds passed).
Serial connection established.
Using interface ppp0
Connect: ppp0 <--> /dev/ttyUSB0
[18138] [01:17:55] PID 21012 is still running.
[18138] [01:17:55] Interface ppp0 is up.
[18138] [01:17:55] Waiting for interface to go up (2 seconds passed).
CHAP authentication succeeded: Welcome!!
CHAP authentication succeeded
[18138] [01:17:56] PID 21012 is still running.
[18138] [01:17:56] Interface ppp0 is up.
[18138] [01:17:56] Waiting for interface to go up (3 seconds passed).
[18138] [01:17:57] PID 21012 is still running.
[18138] [01:17:57] Interface ppp0 is up.
[18138] [01:17:57] Waiting for interface to go up (4 seconds passed).
Could not determine remote IP address: defaulting to
local  IP address
remote IP address
primary   DNS address
secondary DNS address

Не подключается:
[14656] [01:13:06] PID 17290 is still running.
[14656] [01:13:06] Located "netstat" within PATH (/bin/netstat).
[14656] [01:13:06] Waiting for interface to go up (0 seconds passed).
[14656] [01:13:07] PID 17290 is still running.
[14656] [01:13:07] Waiting for interface to go up (1 seconds passed).
Serial connection established.
Using interface ppp0
Connect: ppp0 <--> /dev/ttyUSB0
[14656] [01:13:08] PID 17290 is still running.
[14656] [01:13:08] Interface ppp0 is up.
[14656] [01:13:08] Waiting for interface to go up (2 seconds passed).
[14656] [01:13:09] PID 17290 is still running.
[14656] [01:13:09] Interface ppp0 is up.
[14656] [01:13:09] Waiting for interface to go up (3 seconds passed).
[14656] [01:13:10] PID 17290 is still running.
[14656] [01:13:10] Interface ppp0 is up.
[14656] [01:13:10] Waiting for interface to go up (4 seconds passed).
[14656] [01:13:11] PID 17290 is still running.
[14656] [01:13:11] Interface ppp0 is up.
[14656] [01:13:11] Waiting for interface to go up (5 seconds passed).
[14656] [01:13:12] PID 17290 is still running.
[14656] [01:13:12] Interface ppp0 is up.
[14656] [01:13:12] Waiting for interface to go up (6 seconds passed).
[14656] [01:13:13] PID 17290 is still running.
[14656] [01:13:13] Interface ppp0 is up.
[14656] [01:13:13] Waiting for interface to go up (7 seconds passed).
[14656] [01:13:14] PID 17290 is still running.
[14656] [01:13:14] Interface ppp0 is up.
[14656] [01:13:14] Waiting for interface to go up (8 seconds passed).
[14656] [01:13:15] PID 17290 is still running.
[14656] [01:13:15] Interface ppp0 is up.
[14656] [01:13:15] Waiting for interface to go up (9 seconds passed).
[14656] [01:13:16] PID 17290 is still running.
[14656] [01:13:16] Interface ppp0 is up.
[14656] [01:13:16] Waiting for interface to go up (10 seconds passed).
[14656] [01:13:17] PID 17290 is still running.
[14656] [01:13:17] Interface ppp0 is up.
[14656] [01:13:17] Waiting for interface to go up (11 seconds passed).
[14656] [01:13:18] PID 17290 is still running.
[14656] [01:13:18] Interface ppp0 is up.
[14656] [01:13:18] Waiting for interface to go up (12 seconds passed).
[14656] [01:13:19] PID 17290 is still running.
[14656] [01:13:19] Interface ppp0 is up.
[14656] [01:13:19] Waiting for interface to go up (13 seconds passed).
[14656] [01:13:20] PID 17290 is still running.
[14656] [01:13:20] Interface ppp0 is up.
[14656] [01:13:20] Waiting for interface to go up (14 seconds passed).
[14656] [01:13:21] PID 17290 is still running.
[14656] [01:13:21] Interface ppp0 is up.
[14656] [01:13:21] Waiting for interface to go up (15 seconds passed).
[14656] [01:13:22] PID 17290 is still running.
[14656] [01:13:22] Interface ppp0 is up.
[14656] [01:13:22] Waiting for interface to go up (16 seconds passed).
[14656] [01:13:23] PID 17290 is still running.
[14656] [01:13:23] Interface ppp0 is up.
[14656] [01:13:23] Waiting for interface to go up (17 seconds passed).
[14656] [01:13:24] PID 17290 is still running.
[14656] [01:13:25] Interface ppp0 is up.
[14656] [01:13:25] Waiting for interface to go up (18 seconds passed).
[14656] [01:13:26] PID 17290 is still running.
[14656] [01:13:26] Interface ppp0 is up.
[14656] [01:13:26] Waiting for interface to go up (19 seconds passed).
[14656] [01:13:27] PID 17290 is still running.
[14656] [01:13:27] Interface ppp0 is up.
[14656] [01:13:27] Waiting for interface to go up (20 seconds passed).
[14656] [01:13:27] Giving up waiting for connection to occur.
[14656] [01:13:27] Located "kill" within PATH (/bin/kill).
Hangup (SIGHUP)
[14656] [01:13:27] PID 17290 is still running.
[14656] [01:13:28] PID 17290 is still running.
[14656] [01:13:29] PID 17290 is still running.
[14656] [01:13:29] Interface ppp0 is up.
[14656] [01:13:29] Failed to connect.
[14656] [01:13:29] Error: Failed to connect.
[14656] [01:13:29] Aborting execution chain due to actor "connect" returning 95.
[14656] [01:13:29] Following actors executed: connect
[14656] [01:13:29] Verbosing: 49% Cleaning
[14656] [01:13:29] Stopping operation with return status: 95
[14656] [01:13:29] Now executing traps.
[14656] [01:13:29] Executing trap "cleanscreen".
[14656] [01:13:29] 
>>>>>>>>> If program is paused, you may freely press Ctrl+C. <<<<<<<<<
>>> This happens due to DEBUG being set. Connection will NOT drop. <<<
green@debian:~$ Connection terminated.
Receive serial link is not 8-bit clean:
Problem: all had bit 7 set to 0
Modem hangup

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Ответы на вопрос 3
Может прошить неработающие прошивкой от работающих.
Знаю точно, что Билайновцы меняли прошивки модемов, чтобы они работали только через их GUI.
Ответ написан
Ушел на http://ru.stackoverflow.com/
Возможно вторая партия модемов залочена под определенного оператора, соответственно с картами другого оператора не работает, проверьте, например, через данную программу для просмотра статистики бесплатна и посмотрите в чем разница, если версия прошивки действительно одинакова.
Ответ написан
Как говорили выше проверь, лочены ли модемы.
Проверь на другой системе, желательно винде.
Переведи модемы в MODEM ONLY, в никсе, реально жизнь облегчает.
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