Установил на Manjaro программу WoMic, юзал на Win10, очень удобно было. Перешёл на Manjaro. Тут она тоже оказалась. Подключился через Bluetooth. Написало Connecting... Connected. В интернете есть способ как записать голос в аудио, но как в live-режиме использовать нет. Помогите как это сделать!
fuse2 should be added as a dependency (needed to open the .AppImage file)
Also, I wasn't ever to get this to work correctly. The Windows version worked fine for me but this Linux version is lacking. It has no PulseAudio support, very limited configurability and documentation, and is just a binary blob in an AppImage. I was trying to use this for Discord (which requires PulseAudio) but I couldn't get any PulseAudio applications to record sound off this thing no matter how much I fiddled with settings. The only thing I was able to do was record a .wav file using arecord but even that sounded extremely choppy.
I settled on using Mumble instead with this small bash script I found to set up a virtual mic in PulseAudio. GitHub link with instructions here: https://github.com/pzmarzly/mic_over_mumble
All the mumble software is open source and in the main Arch repositories and I have no problems with sound quality or getting it to work in Discord (or any other PulseAudio application since the implementation is done entirely in PulseAudio itself.)
будет проще попробовать для этих целей что либо другое, например тот же предлагаемый mumble и скрипт