Задать вопрос
Мне 17 лет, начинающий front-end разработчик

Почему browser-sync не обновляет страницу?


Почему то browsersync не обноаляет страницу при изменении стилей
Таск стилей:
function styles() {
	return src([`app/styles/${preprocessor}/*.*`, `!app/styles/${preprocessor}/_*.*`])
		.pipe(autoprefixer({ overrideBrowserslist: ['last 10 versions'], grid: true }))
		.pipe(cleancss({ level: { 1: { specialComments: 0 } }, format: 'beautify'  }))
		.pipe(rename({ suffix: ".min" }))

Таск вотчера:
function startwatch() {
	watch(`app/${preprocessor}/**/*`, { usePolling: true }, styles)
	watch(['app/js/**/*.js', '!app/js/**/*.min.js'], { usePolling: true }, scripts)
	watch('app/img/src/**/*.{jpg,jpeg,png,webp,svg,gif}', { usePolling: true }, images)
	watch(`app/**/*.{${fileswatch}}`, { usePolling: true }).on('change', browserSync.reload)

Весь галп файл:
let preprocessor = 'less', // Preprocessor (sass, less, styl); 'sass' also work with the Scss syntax in blocks/ folder.
		fileswatch   = 'html,htm,txt,json,md,woff2' // List of files extensions for watching & hard reload

const { src, dest, parallel, series, watch } = require('gulp')
const python       = require('browser-sync').create()
const browserSync  = require('browser-sync').create()
const bssi         = require('browsersync-ssi')
const ssi          = require('ssi')
const webpack      = require('webpack-stream')
// const sass         = require('gulp-sass')
// const sassglob     = require('gulp-sass-glob')
const less         = require('gulp-less')
const lessglob     = require('gulp-less-glob')
const styl         = require('gulp-stylus')
const stylglob     = require("gulp-noop")
const cleancss     = require('gulp-clean-css')
const autoprefixer = require('gulp-autoprefixer')
const rename       = require('gulp-rename')
const imagemin     = require('gulp-imagemin')
const newer        = require('gulp-newer')
const rsync        = require('gulp-rsync')
const del          = require('del')

function browsersync() {
		server: {
			baseDir: 'app/',
			middleware: bssi({ baseDir: 'app/', ext: '.html' })
		ghostMode: { clicks: false },
		notify: false,
		online: true,
		// tunnel: 'yousutename', // Attempt to use the URL https://yousutename.loca.lt

function scripts() {
	return src(['app/js/*.js', '!app/js/*.min.js', 'node_modules/swiper/swiper-bundle.js'])
			mode: 'production',
			performance: { hints: false },
			module: {
				rules: [
						test: /\.(js)$/,
						exclude: /(node_modules)/,
						loader: 'babel-loader',
						query: {
							presets: ['@babel/env'],
							plugins: ['babel-plugin-root-import']
		})).on('error', function handleError() {

function styles() {
	return src([`app/styles/${preprocessor}/*.*`, `!app/styles/${preprocessor}/_*.*`])
		.pipe(autoprefixer({ overrideBrowserslist: ['last 10 versions'], grid: true }))
		.pipe(cleancss({ level: { 1: { specialComments: 0 } }, format: 'beautify'  }))
		.pipe(rename({ suffix: ".min" }))

function images() {
	return src(['app/images/src/**/*'])

function buildcopy() {
	return src([
	], { base: 'app/' })

async function buildhtml() {
	let includes = new ssi('app/', 'dist/', '/**/*.html')
	del('dist/parts', { force: true })

function cleandist() {
	return del('dist/**/*', { force: true })

function deploy() {
	return src('dist/')
			root: 'dist/',
			hostname: 'username@yousite.com',
			destination: 'yousite/public_html/',
			// clean: true, // Mirror copy with file deletion
			include: [/* '*.htaccess' */], // Included files to deploy,
			exclude: [ '**/Thumbs.db', '**/*.DS_Store' ],
			recursive: true,
			archive: true,
			silent: false,
			compress: true

function startwatch() {
	watch(`app/${preprocessor}/**/*`, { usePolling: true }, styles)
	watch(['app/js/**/*.js', '!app/js/**/*.min.js'], { usePolling: true }, scripts)
	watch('app/img/src/**/*.{jpg,jpeg,png,webp,svg,gif}', { usePolling: true }, images)
	watch(`app/**/*.{${fileswatch}}`, { usePolling: true }).on('change', browserSync.reload)

exports.scripts = scripts
exports.styles  = styles
exports.images  = images
exports.deploy  = deploy
exports.assets  = series(scripts, styles, images)
exports.build   = series(cleandist, scripts, styles, images, buildcopy, buildhtml)
exports.default = series(scripts, styles, images, parallel(browsersync, startwatch))


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@GovnoKoder_ITS Автор вопроса
Мне 17 лет, начинающий front-end разработчик
})).on('error', function handleError() {

Убрал эту часть кода и все заработало !
Ответ написан
Пригласить эксперта
Ответы на вопрос 1
Нелинейный наставник
Беглым взглядом разница только в watch с моим"рабочим файлом"
gulp.watch(`${config.mainPath}/**/*.html`, gulp.series(mainHtml))
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