No one can login to this Instagram account to manage posts. To see or manage “comments” and “likes” of your ad posts, you can
- Get the instagram_permalink_url from your ad creative, then view the ad post. You cannot add post or comment with this PBIA profile.
- Use Power Editor to see comments and delete comments of the ad post.
- Use Instagram Ads Post Moderation API to get comments and delete comments of the ad post. You cannot add post or comment with this API.
url: 'string',
public: 'number',
tags: 'Array(String)',
ts: 'String', // здесь у вас склееные теги
catalog: 'ObjectId()'
url: { $ne: request.params.document },
public: { $gte: 2 },
tags: { $in: request.items.tagsSlice },
catalog: request.items.catalog._id
.sort({ts: 1})
.select('url tags category public owner')
.populate('catalog owner')
Example: Sending a message with the text “Hello” to +42333 tg:msg?text=Hello&to=+42333
Note that the to parameter will only work if you have that user in your contacts. Otherwise nothing happens when you click the link.