Another folks write about this password is hardcoded into udisksd as "xxxx", , I see this when deep digging on google for a solution. But if you get source code of udisksd and search "user password" into its "udiskslinuxdriveata.c" code, then you can see "xxxx". Nice shot!
Now finally if you get stuck on hdd locking by gnome-disks tool because of somethings get bad and udisksd daemon cannot "auto remove" password set on hdd for ATA SECURE ERASE subroutine, you can simply do this hdparm command :
sudo hdparm --security-disable xxxx /dev/sd?
when "sd?" is Your drive to unlock
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Another folks write about this password is hardcoded into udisksd as "xxxx", , I see this when deep digging on google for a solution. But if you get source code of udisksd and search "user password" into its "udiskslinuxdriveata.c" code, then you can see "xxxx". Nice shot!
Now finally if you get stuck on hdd locking by gnome-disks tool because of somethings get bad and udisksd daemon cannot "auto remove" password set on hdd for ATA SECURE ERASE subroutine, you can simply do this hdparm command :