If set, the contents of this variable is taken as the name of the directory where Wine stores its data (the default is $HOME/.wine). This directory is also used to identify the socket which is used to communicate with the wineserver. All wine processes using the same wineserver (i.e.: same user) share certain things like registry, shared memory, and config file. By setting WINEPREFIX to different values for different wine processes, it is possible to run a number of truly independent wine processes.
export $WINEPREFIX=wine_for_fiddler wine fiddler.exe
export $WINEPREFIX=wine_for_nonfiddler wine nonfiddler.exe
sudo apt install libwww-perl
$ whatis GET
GET (1p) - Simple command line user agent
$ which GET
#!/usr/bin/env python3
apt-get dist-upgrade
не нужно делать каждый разapt-get update
apt-get upgrade
apt-get autoremove
достаточно Так же хочу заметить, что у меня игровые сервера и использовать сторонние сервисы защиты я не могуесли ето такой намек, что у тебя пиратские сервера, то и таких есть кому защитить
( sleep 1h ; notify-send -c CRIT "timer \n\n`date`" ;\
play -q /usr/share/sounds/freedesktop/stereo/complete.oga ) &!
sudo apt install libnotify-bin
заметный выигрыш, то да