from handler.base_plugin_command import CommandPlugin
from vk.utils import EventType
from vk.helpers import parse_user_id
import time
class ChatKickerPlugin(CommandPlugin):
__slots__ = ("admins", "exiled", "admins_only", "unkick")
def __init__(self, commands=None, free_commands=None, prefixes=None, strict=False, admins=(), admins_only=True):
"""Allows admins to kick users for short amount of time.
[prefix][command] [time in seconds if kicking]"""
if not commands:
commands = ["кик", "kick"]
super().__init__(*(commands + free_commands), prefixes=prefixes, strict=strict)
self.admins_only = admins_only
self.unkick = free_commands
self.admins = admins
self.exiled = {}
async def process_message(self, msg):
if not msg.is_multichat:
return await msg.answer("Данную команду можно использовать только в беседах!")
if self.admins_only and msg.user_id not in self.admins and not msg.meta.get("is_moder"):
return await msg.answer("Вы не являетесь модератором/администратором.")
command, text = self.parse_message(msg)
if command in self.unkick:
inv = True
inv = False
parts = text.split(" ")
kick_time = 0
puid = None
puid = await parse_user_id(msg)
if len(parts) > 0 and parts[0].isdigit():
if puid is not None:
kick_time = int(parts[0])
puid = int(parts[0])
if not puid:
return await msg.answer(f"ID указан не верно")
if inv:
if puid in self.exiled:
del self.exiled[puid]
return await self.api.messages.addChatUser(chat_id=msg.chat_id, user_id=puid)
if len(parts) > 1 and " ".join(parts[1:]).isdigit():
kick_time = int(" ".join(parts[1:]))
self.exiled[puid] = time.time() + kick_time
await self.api.messages.removeChatUser(chat_id=msg.chat_id, user_id=puid)
async def check_event(self, evnt):
return evnt.type == EventType.ChatChange
async def process_event(self, evnt):
if evnt.source_act == "chat_invite_user" and evnt.source_mid in self.exiled:
dtime = self.exiled[evnt.source_mid] - time.time()
if dtime > 0:
await self.bot.api.messages.send(chat_id=evnt.chat_id, message=f"Вы сможете вернуться в чат "
f"через {int(dtime)} секунд(у/ы)")
return await self.api.messages.removeChatUser(chat_id=evnt.chat_id, user_id=evnt.source_mid)
del self.exiled[evnt.source_mid]
return False