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  • Как реализовать node js на сайте?

    Developing Node.js sites

    Normally when you develop a Node.js site you’ll need to restart your application each time you make a change. Thankfully our home-grown British JavaScript genius Remy Sharp has solved this problem with nodemon. Nodemon will reload your application each time it changes so you don’t need to restart it. If you have used Shotgun for Ruby with Sinatra it is similar to that. To install run
    npm install -g nodemon
    Then you can start your app with

    DEBUG=express_example:* nodemon
    Nodemon automatically looks in your project setting to find the appropriate files and setting to start your server. If this does not work try:

    DEBUG=express_example nodemon npm start
    Using nodemon means you don’t have to restart your app each time you make a change. For more infomation on nodemon see the README
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