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  • Как распарсить любое jsonb поле в postgresql динамически?

    Посмотрите, возможно поможет чем-то, использовал несколько способов.

    CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION pg_temp.Temp_Search(
      SourceJson json, -- Массив в формате json, в котором ищем атрибут с заданным именем
      KeyName text, -- Имя искомого атрибута
      KeyValue text -- Значение искомого атрибута
    RETURNS json AS $$
    DECLARE ret json;
            SELECT  Value INTO ret
            FROM    json_array_elements(SourceJson)
            WHERE   json_extract_path_text(Value, KeyName) = KeyValue;
            RETURN ret;
    $$  LANGUAGE plpgsql;
      sum(Au) Au,
      sum(Ag) Ag,
      sum(S) S,
      sum(C) C,
      sum(C_ОРГ) C_ОРГ,
      sum(SCN) SCN,
      sum(Fe) Fe,
      sum(ЦИАНИД) ЦИАНИД,
      sum(PH) PH,
      sum(WAD_CN) WAD_CN,
      sum(TOTAL_CN) TOTAL_CN,
      sum(NAOH) NAOH,
      sum(NACN) NACN,
      case when extract (hour from sample.createdatetime + interval '5 hour') between 0 and 12 then '1 смена' else '2 смена' end workShift
          --END AS shift
    from qualitymanagement_sample sample
    join  (select
      case when name = 'Au' then case when q.result is null then 0 else q.result end else 0 end Au,
        case when name = 'Ag' then case when q.result is null then 0 else q.result end else 0 end Ag,
     case when name = 'S' then case when q.result is null then 0 else q.result end else 0 end S,
     case when name = 'C' then case when q.result is null then 0 else q.result end else 0 end C,
     case when name = 'C_ОРГ' then case when q.result is null then 0 else q.result end else 0 end C_ОРГ,
     case when name = 'SCN' then case when q.result is null then 0 else q.result end else 0 end SCN,
     case when name = 'Fe' then case when q.result is null then 0 else q.result end else 0 end Fe,
     case when name = 'ЦИАНИД' then case when q.result is null then 0 else q.result end else 0 end ЦИАНИД,
     case when name = 'PH' then case when q.result is null then 0 else q.result end else 0 end PH,
     case when name = 'WAD_CN' then case when q.result is null then 0 else q.result end else 0 end WAD_CN,
     case when name = 'TOTAL_CN' then case when q.result is null then 0 else q.result end else 0 end TOTAL_CN,
     case when name = 'NAOH' then case when q.result is null then 0 else q.result end else 0 end NAOH,
     case when name = 'NACN' then case when q.result is null then 0 else q.result end else 0 end NACN,
      u.symbolrus uom
    from ( select
      --2 - floor((extract(hour from sampletime) - 7) / 12) work_ship, --- если work_ship равен 1 или 3, то это первая смена, иначе 2 вторая смена
      pg_temp.Temp_Search((pg_temp.Temp_Search(json_array_elements(qualityindicators :: json -> 'Elements')-> 'Attributes', 'Id', 'Indicator')::json#>>'{Value,Attributes}')::json, 'Id','Name'
                 )::json#>>'{Value,Value}' qi,
    --  json_array_elements(qualityindicators :: json -> 'Elements')-> 'Attributes' -> 4 -> 'Value' -> 'Attributes' -> 6 ->'Value'->>'Value' qi,
      (json_array_elements(qualityindicators :: json -> 'Elements')-> 'Attributes' -> 0 -> 'Value' ->> 'Value')::numeric result,
      json_array_elements(qualityindicators :: json -> 'Elements')-> 'Attributes'-> 3 ->'Value'->'Attributes'->7->'Value'->>'Value' uom
     from qualitymanagement_sample qs
     where samplestate='Approved'
       ) q
       join qmqualityindicators_qualityindicator a on q.qi = a.elementid
       left join uom_uom u on q.uom = u.elementid
          a.name in
                and (u.symbolrus in ('мг/дм3', '%','г/дм3', '-') or (u.symbolrus is null))
     ) q on q.elementid=sample.elementid
    (SELECT distinct
      qmcontrolpoints_controlpoint qmcontr
         join material_materialcollectionlinks mcl on qmcontr.materials=mcl.collection_id
         join qmmaterials_material qm on qm.elementid=mcl.element_reference
         join qualitymanagement_sample ssample on qmcontr.elementid=ssample.controlpoint
       where qmcontr.id
        in ('VSP000073', 'VSP000062', 'VSP000060', 'VSP000052', 'VSP000059', 'VSP000058','VSP000034')
        and ssample.samplestate ='Approved'
        and qm.elementcode
         in ('Питание флотации. жидкая фаза (1049480)',
          'Оборотная вода (1039709)',
          'Хвосты сорбции, жидкая фаза (1028308)',
          'Хвосты флотации, жидкая фаза (1039903)',
          'Слив сгущения (1039856)',
        'Хвосты сорбции обезвреженные. жидкая фаза (1049585)',
          'Жидкая фаза хвостохранилища хвостов сорбции (1049599)') ) ssample on ssample.sampleid=sample.Sampleid
      join qmcontrolpoints_controlpoint qmcontr on qmcontr.elementid=sample.controlpoint
      --join material_materialcollectionlinks mcl on qmcontr.materials=mcl.collection_id
      JOIN material_material as mm ON mm.elementid = sample.material
    -- join qmmaterials_material qm on qm.elementid=mcl.element_reference
    --where  sample.createdatetime >= @creationtime and sample.createdatetime <= @expirationtime --and  sample.Sampleid = 'MES000004725' or sample.Sampleid ='MES000004721'
    group by sampletime::date, sample.Sampleid, qmcontr.name, qmcontr.id, sample.createdatetime, mm.elementcode