Невозможно выполнить обновление. Версия встроенного ПО и аппаратная версия не совпадают.
Installing OpenWrt from the factory firmware is not possible right now;
It is possible however to do it from U-Boot via TFTP.
Я определился - OpenWrt
Вообще надо было перед покупкой посмотреть наличие нужных прошивок, и потом уже покупать.
Can I run multiple WhatsApp Business API Clients with the same phone number?
NO! At any given time, you can only have one instance of the WhatsApp Business API Client running for a single phone number. As soon as you register a second instance, your first instance will get kicked off and fail. We are working on a proper solution that will allow you to accomplish this. We will keep you posted of any updates.
>>> data = [(7, 'user7'), (1, 'user2'), (2, 'user3'), (3, 'user4'), (4, 'user5'), (4, 'user6')]
>>> data.sort(key=lambda x: x[0])
>>> print(data)
[(1, 'user2'), (2, 'user3'), (3, 'user4'), (4, 'user5'), (4, 'user6'), (7, 'user7')]
# For example, to annotate each post with the email address of the author of the newest comment on that post:
>>> from django.db.models import OuterRef, Subquery
>>> newest = Comment.objects.filter(post=OuterRef('pk')).order_by('-created_at')
>>> Post.objects.annotate(newest_commenter_email=Subquery(newest.values('email')[:1]))
This tab allows you to set an image as the map background. It's possible to use scanned maps or screenshots of online maps for convenience.
It is possible to choose the scale of the image, and whether to repeat the image in x/y axis (tiling).
$model->save(); и $model = new Tennis(); в цикл внеси