with Image.open('sts.png').convert("RGBA") as your_image:
def draw_text_on_image(text,
dimensions=(1047, 377),
insert_position=(900, 50),
with Image.open(input_file).convert("RGBA") as your_image:
temporary_image = Image.new('RGBA', dimensions, (255, 255, 255, 0))
draw = ImageDraw.Draw(temporary_image)
draw.text(insert_position, text, fill=(200, 0, 0, 255))
del draw
output = Image.alpha_composite(your_image, temporary_image)
function init () {
var myMap = new ymaps.Map("map", {
center: [55.75985606898725,37.61054750000002],
zoom: 12
}, {
searchControlProvider: 'yandex#search'
myPlacemark = new ymaps.Placemark([55.75985606898725,37.61054750000002], {
// Чтобы балун и хинт открывались на метке, необходимо задать ей определенные свойства.
balloonContentHeader: "Балун метки",
balloonContentBody: "Содержимое <em>балуна</em> метки",
balloonContentFooter: "Подвал",
hintContent: "Хинт метки"
// Открываем балун на карте (без привязки к геообъекту).
myMap.balloon.open([55.7591,37.61053], "Содержимое балуна", {
// Опция: не показываем кнопку закрытия.
closeButton: false
// Показываем хинт на карте (без привязки к геообъекту).
myMap.hint.open(myMap.getCenter(), "Одинокий хинт без метки", {
// Опция: задержка перед открытием.
openTimeout: 1500
function init() {
let myMap = new ymaps.Map('map', {
center: [55.755814, 37.617635],
zoom: 14,
controls: ['routeButtonControl', 'typeSelector', 'fullscreenControl'],
}, {
searchControlProvider: 'yandex#search'
objectManager = new ymaps.ObjectManager({
clusterize: true,
gridSize: 64,
clusterIconLayout: "default#pieChart"
let listBoxItems = ['2G', '3G', '4G'].map(function(title) {
return new ymaps.control.ListBoxItem({
data: {
content: title
state: {
selected: true
listBoxControl = new ymaps.control.ListBox({
data: {
content: 'Filter',
title: 'Filter'
items: listBoxItems,
state: {
expanded: true,
filters: listBoxItems.reduce(function(filters, filter) {
filters[filter.data.get('content')] = filter.isSelected();
return filters;
}, {})
listBoxControl.events.add(['select', 'deselect'], function(e) {
let listBoxItem = e.get('target');
let filters = ymaps.util.extend({}, listBoxControl.state.get('filters'));
filters[listBoxItem.data.get('content')] = listBoxItem.isSelected();
listBoxControl.state.set('filters', filters);
let filterMonitor = new ymaps.Monitor(listBoxControl.state);
filterMonitor.add('filters', function(filters) {
function getBand(e, i, a){
let Band = this.valueOf();
return e === Band;
function getFilterFunction(categories){
return function(obj){
let bsBands = obj.has_bands;
let has2G = bsBands.find(getBand, '2G');
let has3G = bsBands.find(getBand, '3G');
let has4G = bsBands.find(getBand, '4G');
return (categories['2G'] && has2G) || (categories['3G'] && has3G) || (categories['4G'] && has4G);
let data = {
"count": 4,
"next": null,
"previous": null,
"type": "FeatureCollection",
"features": [
"id": 1,
"region_prefix": "97",
"cell_site_number": 1,
"description": "",
"address": "",
"commissioning": "",
"bs_id": "",
"height_asl": 0,
"bands": [
"name": "2G",
"frequency": "900"
"name": "2G",
"frequency": "1800"
"status": true,
"type": "Feature",
"geometry": {
"type": "Point",
"coordinates": [55.755815, 37.613]
"properties": {
"balloonContentHeader": "balloonContentHeader",
"balloonContentBody": "balloonContentBody",
"balloonContentFooter": "balloonContentFooter",
"clusterCaption": "clusterCaption",
"hintContent": "hintContent",
"iconCaption": "2G"
"has_bands": [
"id": 2,
"region_prefix": "97",
"cell_site_number": 2,
"description": "",
"address": "",
"commissioning": "",
"bs_id": "",
"height_asl": 0,
"bands": [
"name": "2G",
"frequency": "900"
"name": "2G",
"frequency": "1800"
"name": "3G",
"frequency": "2100"
"name": "4G",
"frequency": "1800"
"name": "4G TDD",
"frequency": "2600"
"status": true,
"type": "Feature",
"geometry": {
"type": "Point",
"coordinates": [55.759, 37.613]
"properties": {
"balloonContentHeader": "balloonContentHeader",
"balloonContentBody": "balloonContentBody",
"balloonContentFooter": "balloonContentFooter",
"clusterCaption": "clusterCaption",
"hintContent": "hintContent",
"iconCaption": "2G 3G 4G"
"has_bands": [
"id": 3,
"region_prefix": "97",
"cell_site_number": 3,
"description": "",
"address": "",
"commissioning": "",
"bs_id": "",
"height_asl": 0,
"bands": [
"name": "3G",
"frequency": "2100"
"status": true,
"type": "Feature",
"geometry": {
"type": "Point",
"coordinates": [55.7204, 37.6167]
"properties": {
"balloonContentHeader": "balloonContentHeader",
"balloonContentBody": "balloonContentBody",
"balloonContentFooter": "balloonContentFooter",
"clusterCaption": "clusterCaption",
"hintContent": "hintContent",
"iconCaption": "3G"
"has_bands": [
"id": 4,
"region_prefix": "97",
"cell_site_number": 4,
"description": "",
"address": "",
"commissioning": "",
"bs_id": "",
"height_asl": 0,
"bands": [
"name": "4G",
"frequency": "1800"
"name": "4G TDD",
"frequency": "2600"
"status": true,
"type": "Feature",
"geometry": {
"type": "Point",
"coordinates": [55.7704, 37.6119]
"properties": {
"balloonContentHeader": "balloonContentHeader",
"balloonContentBody": "balloonContentBody",
"balloonContentFooter": "balloonContentFooter",
"clusterCaption": "clusterCaption",
"hintContent": "hintContent",
"iconCaption": "4G"
"has_bands": [
for filename in os.listdir(WATCH_DIRECTORY):
file_data = os.path.join(WATCH_DIRECTORY, filename)
with open(file_data, 'rb') as file:
data_local = pickle.load(file)
print(data_local) # здесь вывод данных с одного файла, открытого в данный момент
g.data_local = data_local # здесь значение g.data_local затирается последним (на каждой итерации)
return g.data_local().all()