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  • Какие есть ресурсы для изучения сферы "информационная безопасность"?

    opensecuritytraining.info -Тут собраны материалы для самоподготовки по модулям CISSP

    Beginner Classes:

    •Android Forensics & Security Testing

    •Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP)® Common Body of Knowledge (CBK)® Review

    •Flow Analysis & Network Hunting

    •Hacking Techniques and Intrusion Detection

    •Introductory Intel x86: Architecture, Assembly, Applications, & Alliteration

    •Introductory Intel x86-64: Architecture, Assembly, Applications, & Alliteration

    •Introduction to ARM

    •Introduction to Cellular Security

    •Introduction to Network Forensics

    •Introduction to Secure Coding

    •Introduction to Vulnerability Assessment

    •Introduction to Trusted Computing

    •Offensive, Defensive, and Forensic Techniques for Determining Web User Identity

    •Pcap Analysis & Network Hunting

    •Malware Dynamic Analysis

    •Secure Code Review

    •Smart Cards

    •The Life of Binaries

    •Understanding Cryptology: Core Concepts

    •Understanding Cryptology: Cryptanalysis

    Intermediate Classes:
    •Introduction to Software Exploits (Exploits 1)

    •Exploits 2: Exploitation in the Windows Environment

    •Intermediate Intel x86: Architecture, Assembly, Applications, & Alliteration

    Advanced Classes:

    •Advanced x86: Virtualization with Intel VT-x

    •Introduction to Reverse Engineering Software

    •Reverse Engineering Malware

    •Rootkits: What they are, and how to find them

    •The Adventures of a Keystroke: An in-depth look into keylogging on Windows
    Ответ написан
  • Как настроить Autologon через реестр батником?

    @borsch Автор вопроса
    Нашел решение,

    Ветка реестра должна быть Windows NT а не WindowsNT
    и нельзя создавать пустой пароль
    [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon]
    Ответ написан