без разницы в какой день месяца сотрудник оформился/уволился этот месяц считается для него в работе
// items array that contains all todo items
// JSON.parse is used to parse the stringified items from localStorage
// if localStorage is empty, make the items variable an empty array
var items = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('todo-list')) || [];
// function to add item to the items array
function addItem() {
// get the value of the input box with querySelector
var inputBox = document.querySelector('#todo-input');
var item = inputBox.value
var inputBoxDate = document.querySelector('#date');
var itemDate = inputBoxDate.value
var inputBoxTime = document.querySelector('#time');
var itemTime = inputBoxTime.value
// If input box is empty, return and alert the user
// You can also do some more validation if here if you want
if (item === "")
return alert("You need to put in a number");
// If input is valid, add item to items array
value: item,
valueDate: itemDate,
valueTime: itemTime,
time: (new Date()).toLocaleDateString("en-US")
// then convert to a string with JSON.stringify and save to localStorage
localStorage.setItem('todo-list', JSON.stringify(items));
// call function to list all items
// clear input box
inputBox.value = "";
// function to remove item from array with Array.splice()
// removes item, then saves new items array to localStorage
function deleteItem(index) {
items.splice(index, 1);
localStorage.setItem('todo-list', JSON.stringify(items))
function markAsDone(index) {
items[index].done = !items[index].done;
localStorage.setItem('todo-list', JSON.stringify(items));
// function that generates list of items and populates the html
function listItems() {
var list = "";
for (var i = 0; i < items.length; i++) {
list += "<li class="+ (items[i].done ? "done" : "") +">";
list += items[i].value + " ";
list += items[i].valueDate + " ";
list += items[i].valueTime + " ";
list += "<small title='click me to mark as done' class='label' onclick='markAsDone("+ i +")'>"+ items[i].time +"</small> ";
list += "<span class='label alert' onclick='deleteItem("+ i +")'>delete</span></li>";
document.querySelector("#list-items").innerHTML = list;
// function to run when page loads
(function() {
function listItems() {
var list = "";
for (var i = 0; i < items.length; i++) {
list += "<li class="+ (items[i].done ? "done" : "") +">";
list += items[i].value + " ";
list += "<small title='click me to mark as done' class='label' onclick='markAsDone("+ i +")'>"+ items[i].time +"</small> ";
list += "<input id='date' type='date' /> ",
list += "<input id='time' type='time' /> ",
list += "<span class='label alert' onclick='deleteItem("+ i +")'>delete</span></li>";
document.querySelector("#list-items").innerHTML = list;