reaction, user = await pybot.wait_for('reaction_add', timeout= 1, check=check)
except asyncio.TimeoutError:
await message.edit("Время истекло")
except Exception as e:
print('Exception:', repr(e))
The timeout parameter is passed onto asyncio.wait_for(). By default, it does not timeout. Note that this does propagate the asyncio.TimeoutError for you in case of timeout and is provided for ease of use.
async def kill(ctx, *member: discord.Member):
str = ""
i = 0
for user in member:
if i == 1:
str = member
elif i > 1:
str = str + user.mention + ", "
load1=discord.Embed(title="Тебя убили", description = f"{} заебашил {str}", color=2358184)
load1.set_author(name =, icon_url = cap.avatar_url)
load1.set_image(url = "")
await = load1)