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    Looking for a change?

    Become a Game Artist

    Are you passionate about games? Do you have the talent and ability to elevate a game project with your skills and creative contribution? Are you experienced in producing game assets for mobile games? The perfect candidate for this role has strong skills in 2D and is able to contribute to the game on multiple fronts from ideas and concepts to characters and environments.

    Job description:
    If you have a great imagination and a desire to try your hand at a specific project, then join us. We're always looking for passionate, friendly, dedicated craftspeople to join our crew. Interns & job-seekers, be sure to let us know that you are interested in working with at TutoTOONS.com
    At the end of the project you will get a good experience in the game field with the team and of course many projects in your portfolio.

    Good understanding of colour, composition and animation techniques
    Great looking online portfolio

    You will need create mobile games for kids.
    Sketch game scenes and game storyboard,
    Draw game graphics and upload into TutoTOONS templates,
    Create additional graphics for game publishing and advertising (icon, promo screen, ads, screenshots, etc.)

    Excellent hand drawing skills (ability to draw landscapes, various environments, characters, people, animals, etc.)
    Creative imagination
    Experience in using graphics software (Photoshop, Adobe Flash, etc.)

    If this opportunity sounds interesting to you and if you believe you meet the requirements please submit your up-to-date CV on