<meta name="robots" content="follow, index">
body padding-top:10%
стоит let scene, camera, renderer;
let path, tubeGeometry;
const molecules = [];
const moleculeCount = 2000;
const moleculeGeometry = new THREE.SphereGeometry(0.05, 16, 16);
const moleculeMaterial = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial({ color: 0x3076e2 });
const canvas = document.getElementById("myCanvas");
const tubeRadius = canvas.offsetWidth / 176;
const segmentCount = 400; // Увеличили количество сегментов для еще большей плавности
const rotationAngle = Math.PI / 3.5; // 45 degrees in radians
const speedCoefficient = 0.00005; // Еще медленнее движение
let clock = new THREE.Clock();
const fps = 60; // Частоту кадров оставляем на 60
let interval = 1000 / fps;
let lastTime = 0;
function init() {
// Устанавливаем сцену, камеру и рендерер
scene = new THREE.Scene();
scene.background = new THREE.Color(0xffffff);
camera = new THREE.PerspectiveCamera(75, 1, 0.1, 1000);
renderer = new THREE.WebGLRenderer({ canvas: canvas });
renderer.setSize(600, 600);
window.addEventListener("resize", onWindowResize, false);
function createOvalPath() {
// Создаем эллиптическую трубу пропорциональную размеру canvas
const canvasSize = Math.min(
const a = canvasSize / 35;
const b = canvasSize / 70;
const points = [];
for (let i = 0; i <= segmentCount; i++) {
const angle = (i / segmentCount) * Math.PI * 2;
const x = a * Math.cos(angle);
const y = b * Math.sin(angle);
const z = 0;
const rotatedX = x * Math.cos(rotationAngle) - z * Math.sin(rotationAngle);
const rotatedZ = x * Math.sin(rotationAngle) + z * Math.cos(rotationAngle);
points.push(new THREE.Vector3(rotatedX - canvasSize / 80, y, rotatedZ));
path = new THREE.CatmullRomCurve3(points);
tubeGeometry = new THREE.TubeGeometry(path, 400, tubeRadius, 16, true);
function createMolecules() {
molecules.length = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < moleculeCount; i++) {
const molecule = new THREE.Mesh(moleculeGeometry, moleculeMaterial);
mesh: molecule,
position: Math.random(),
speed: Math.random() * 0.05 + 0.01 // Еще медленное движение
function updateCameraPosition() {
const canvasSize = Math.min(
camera.position.z = canvasSize / 33;
function onWindowResize() {
const canvasSize = Math.min(window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight);
renderer.setSize(canvasSize, canvasSize);
camera.aspect = 1;
function animate(time) {
const delta = clock.getDelta();
if (time - lastTime >= interval) {
lastTime = time;
molecules.forEach((molecule) => {
molecule.position += molecule.speed * delta;
if (molecule.position > 1) molecule.position -= 1;
const pointOnPath = path.getPointAt(molecule.position);
molecule.mesh.position.lerp(pointOnPath, 0.05);
renderer.render(scene, camera);
@echo off
for /f "tokens=2 delims==" %%I in ('wmic os get localdatetime /value') do set "DT=%%I"
set "YY=%DT:~2,2%"
set "YYYY=%DT:~0,4%"
set "MM=%DT:~4,2%"
set "DD=%DT:~6,2%"
set "HH=%DT:~8,2%"
set "MIN=%DT:~10,2%"
set "SS=%DT:~12,2%"
.\ffmpeg -f dshow -i video="USB2.0 HD UVC WebCam":audio="Набор микрофонов (Realtek(R) Audio)" "V_%YYYY%%MM%%DD%_%HH%%MIN%%SS%.mp4"
function changeSVGValuesPeriodically() {
let height = 300;
let decreasing = true;
const interval = setInterval(() => {
console.log("Current height:", height);
let gradientColor;
if (height >= 0 && height < 100) {
gradientColor = "#FF0000";
} else if (height >= 100 && height < 200) {
gradientColor = "#FF6600";
} else {
gradientColor = "#003822";
if (decreasing) {
height -= 2;
if (height <= 0) {
decreasing = false;
} else {
height += 2;
if (height >= 300) {
decreasing = true;
const svgElement = document.querySelector('.line svg');
const rectElement = document.querySelector('.line rect');
const imgElement = document.querySelector('.img');
svgElement.setAttribute('height', height);
svgElement.setAttribute('viewBox', `0 0 10 ${height}`);
const gradientElement = document.querySelector('#paint0_linear_1633_114613');
gradientElement.querySelector('stop').setAttribute('stop-color', gradientColor);
gradientElement.querySelector('stop').setAttribute('offset', height / 300);
rectElement.setAttribute('height', height);
imgElement.style.height = `${height}px`;
}, 40);
User-agent: *
Disallow: /*?
server {
listen 80;
server_name example.com;
location / {
if ($args) {
return 403; # Запретить доступ к страницам с GET параметрами
# Ваша дальнейшая конфигурация для обработки запросов
RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} .+
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ $1? [R=301,L]
// Enable WP_DEBUG mode
define('WP_DEBUG', true);
// Enable Debug logging to the /wp-content/debug.log file
define('WP_DEBUG_LOG', true);
//Enable display of errors and warnings
define('WP_DEBUG_DISPLAY', true);
// Use dev versions of core JS and CSS files (only needed if you are modifying these core files)
define('SCRIPT_DEBUG', true);
@echo on
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
rem Set variable for network interface name
set interface_name=Ethernet
rem Get the local IP address of the computer
for /f "tokens=13 delims=: " %%i in ('ipconfig ^| find /i "IPv4-Адрес" ') do (
if "%%i" neq "" (
set ip_adress=%%i
rem Set variables for other IPv4 settings
set subnet_mask=
set gateway=
rem Set variables for DNS settings
set dns1=
set dns2=
rem Execute netsh commands to change the settings
netsh interface ip set address name="%interface_name%" source=static address=%ip_adress% mask=%subnet_mask% gateway=%gateway%
netsh interface ip set dns name="%interface_name%" static %dns1%
netsh interface ip add dns name="%interface_name%" %dns2% index=2
echo Successfully configured IP Address: %ip_adress%, Subnet Mask: %subnet_mask%, Gateway: %gateway%, DNS1: %dns1%, DNS2: %dns2%