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  • Android notification channels?

    @Ksernik Автор вопроса
    я был не хуже других, но лучше многих...
    неприятно чувствовать себя тупым.. а так же не знать почему твоё "решение" сработало..
    в момент "startForeground(1, notification);" вместо единицы запихнул какое то большое интовое значение..
    повторений ситуации пока не замечено
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  • Mini Navigation Drawer. Опыт использования *желательно без сторонних библиотек*?

    @Ksernik Автор вопроса
    я был не хуже других, но лучше многих...
    Ладно.. выложу вариант- на котором остановился в данный момент.. пришлось раскуривать либу которую выложил Mike Penz.. *хотя в моём случае возможны головняки с AccountHeader, но к вопросу это не относится*

    В любом случае, если у кого то имеется опыт иной реализации, прошу поделиться им

    private AccountHeader headerResult = null;
        private Drawer result = null;
        private MiniDrawer miniResult = null;
        private Crossfader crossFader;
        private void setNavigationDrawer(Bundle savedInstanceState, Toolbar toolbar) {
            // Create a few sample profile
            // NOTE you have to define the loader logic too. See the CustomApplication for more details
            final IProfile profile = new ProfileDrawerItem()
                    .withName("Mike Penz")
            // Create the AccountHeader
            headerResult = new AccountHeaderBuilder()
                    .withOnAccountHeaderListener(new AccountHeader.OnAccountHeaderListener() {
                        public boolean onProfileChanged(View view, IProfile profile, boolean current) {
                            //false if you have not consumed the event and it should close the drawer
                            return false;
            DrawerBuilder builder = new DrawerBuilder()
                    .withAccountHeader(headerResult) //set the AccountHeader we created earlier for the header
                            new PrimaryDrawerItem().withName(R.string.drawer_item_first).withIcon(R.drawable.nav_client_icon).withIdentifier(1),
                            new PrimaryDrawerItem().withName(R.string.drawer_item_third).withIcon(R.drawable.nav_event_icon).withIdentifier(2),
                            new PrimaryDrawerItem().withName(R.string.drawer_item_second).withIcon(R.drawable.nav_orders_icon).withIdentifier(3),
                            new DividerDrawerItem(),
                            new PrimaryDrawerItem().withName(R.string.drawer_item_fourth).withIcon(R.drawable.nav_settings_icon).withIdentifier(4),
                            new DividerDrawerItem(),
                            new PrimaryDrawerItem().withName(R.string.drawer_item_fifth).withIcon(R.drawable.nav_exit_icon).withIdentifier(5)
                    ) // add the items we want to use with our Drawer
                    .withOnDrawerItemClickListener(new Drawer.OnDrawerItemClickListener() {
                        public boolean onItemClick(View view, int position, IDrawerItem drawerItem) {
                            if (drawerItem instanceof Nameable) {
                                Toast.makeText(MainActivity.this, ((Nameable) drawerItem).getName().getText(MainActivity.this), Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
                            switch (position){
                                case 1:
                                    showFragment(new ClientsFragment(),true,true, ClientsFragment.class.getSimpleName());
                                case 2:
                                    showFragment(new EventListFragment(),true,false, EventListFragment.class.getSimpleName());
                                    showFragment(new EventDetailsFragment(),false,false, EventDetailsFragment.class.getSimpleName());
                            return true;
            // build only the view of the Drawer (don't inflate it automatically in our layout which is done with .build())
            result = builder.buildView();
            // create the MiniDrawer and deinfe the drawer and header to be used (it will automatically use the items from them)
            miniResult = new MiniDrawer()
            //IMPORTANT Crossfader specific implementation starts here (everything above is MaterialDrawer):
            //get the widths in px for the first and second panel
            int firstWidth = (int) UIUtils.convertDpToPixel(200, this);
            int secondWidth = (int) UIUtils.convertDpToPixel(72, this);
            //create and build our crossfader (see the MiniDrawer is also builded in here, as the build method returns the view to be used in the crossfader)
            crossFader = new Crossfader()
                    .withFirst(result.getSlider(), firstWidth)
                    .withSecond(miniResult.build(this), secondWidth)
            //define the crossfader to be used with the miniDrawer. This is required to be able to automatically toggle open / close
            miniResult.withCrossFader(new CrossfadeWrapper(crossFader));
            //define a shadow (this is only for normal LTR layouts if you have a RTL app you need to define the other one
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