usage: enc -ciphername [-AadePp] [-base64] [-bufsize number] [-debug]
[-in file] [-iv IV] [-K key] [-k password]
[-kfile file] [-md digest] [-none] [-nopad] [-nosalt]
[-out file] [-pass arg] [-S salt] [-salt]
-A Process base64 data on one line (requires -a)
-a Perform base64 encoding/decoding (alias -base64)
-bufsize size Specify the buffer size to use for I/O
-d Decrypt the input data
-debug Print debugging information
-e Encrypt the input data (default)
-in file Input file to read from (default stdin)
-iv IV IV to use, specified as a hexadecimal string
-K key Key to use, specified as a hexadecimal string
-md digest Digest to use to create a key from the passphrase
-none Use NULL cipher (no encryption or decryption)
-nopad Disable standard block padding
-out file Output file to write to (default stdout)
-P Print out the salt, key and IV used, then exit
(no encryption or decryption is performed)
-p Print out the salt, key and IV used
-pass source Password source
-S salt Salt to use, specified as a hexadecimal string
-salt Use a salt in the key derivation routines (default)
-v Verbose
Valid ciphername values:
-aes-128-cbc -aes-128-cbc-hmac-sha1 -aes-128-cfb
-aes-128-cfb1 -aes-128-cfb8 -aes-128-ctr
-aes-128-ecb -aes-128-gcm -aes-128-ofb
-aes-128-xts -aes-192-cbc -aes-192-cfb
-aes-192-cfb1 -aes-192-cfb8 -aes-192-ctr
-aes-192-ecb -aes-192-gcm -aes-192-ofb
-aes-256-cbc -aes-256-cbc-hmac-sha1 -aes-256-cfb
-aes-256-cfb1 -aes-256-cfb8 -aes-256-ctr
-aes-256-ecb -aes-256-gcm -aes-256-ofb
-aes-256-xts -aes128 -aes192
-aes256 -bf -bf-cbc
-bf-cfb -bf-ecb -bf-ofb
-blowfish -camellia-128-cbc -camellia-128-cfb
-camellia-128-cfb1 -camellia-128-cfb8 -camellia-128-ecb
-camellia-128-ofb -camellia-192-cbc -camellia-192-cfb
-camellia-192-cfb1 -camellia-192-cfb8 -camellia-192-ecb
-camellia-192-ofb -camellia-256-cbc -camellia-256-cfb
-camellia-256-cfb1 -camellia-256-cfb8 -camellia-256-ecb
-camellia-256-ofb -camellia128 -camellia192
-camellia256 -cast -cast-cbc
-cast5-cbc -cast5-cfb -cast5-ecb
-cast5-ofb -chacha -des
-des-cbc -des-cfb -des-cfb1
-des-cfb8 -des-ecb -des-ede
-des-ede-cbc -des-ede-cfb -des-ede-ofb
-des-ede3 -des-ede3-cbc -des-ede3-cfb
-des-ede3-cfb1 -des-ede3-cfb8 -des-ede3-ofb
-des-ofb -des3 -desx
-desx-cbc -gost89 -gost89-cnt
-gost89-ecb -id-aes128-GCM -id-aes192-GCM
-id-aes256-GCM -rc2 -rc2-40-cbc
-rc2-64-cbc -rc2-cbc -rc2-cfb
-rc2-ecb -rc2-ofb -rc4
-rc4-40 -rc4-hmac-md5
Usage: rsautl [options]
-in file input file
-out file output file
-inkey file input key
-keyform arg private key format - default PEM
-pubin input is an RSA public
-certin input is a certificate carrying an RSA public key
-ssl use SSL v2 padding
-raw use no padding
-pkcs use PKCS#1 v1.5 padding (default)
-oaep use PKCS#1 OAEP
-sign sign with private key
-verify verify with public key
-encrypt encrypt with public key
-decrypt decrypt with private key
-hexdump hex dump output
Застряла теперь на пункте расшифровки ключа на стороне получателя
First decrypt the symmetric.key:
$ openssl rsautl -decrypt -oaep -inkey ~/.ssh/id_rsa -in secret.key.enc -out secret.key
The recipient should replace ~/.ssh/id_rsa with the path to their secret key if needed. But this is the path to where it usually is located.
~/.ssh/id_rsa - тут это путь к приватному ключу имеется ввиду ведь?
указываю путь к приватному ключу, путь к зашифрованому ssl ключу и имя выходного файла и ничего...