Preview.prototype = {
create : function() {
// create Preview structure:
this.$title = $( '<h3></h3>' );
this.$description = $( '<p></p>' );
this.$href = $( '<div class="og-btn-wrap"><a class="prod-callback-btn" href="#sendform1">Узнать цену</a></div>' );
this.$details = $( '<div class="og-details"></div>' ).append( this.$title, this.$description, this.$href );
this.$loading = $( '<div class="og-loading"></div>' );
this.$fullimage = $( '<div class="og-fullimg"></div>' ).append( this.$loading );
this.$closePreview = $( '<span class="og-close"></span>' );
this.$previewInner = $( '<div class="og-expander-inner"></div>' ).append( this.$closePreview, this.$fullimage, this.$details );
this.$previewEl = $( '<div class="og-expander"></div>' ).append( this.$previewInner );
// append preview element to the item
this.$item.append( this.getEl() );
// set the transitions for the preview and the item
if( support ) {