Сообщество IT-специалистов
Ответы на любые вопросы об IT
Профессиональное развитие в IT
Удаленная работа для IT-специалистов
s = Math.ceil(s);
Redmine requires a repository which is bare and local to enable browsing through Redmine.
echo nl2br(htmlspecialchars($str));
function scroll(direction) { if (direction==1) { // scrollUP } else { //scrollDown } } var next=$('.slide').click(function() {scroll(1)}); var down=$('.slide').click(function() {scroll(0)});
var flist = [first, second, third]; flist[Math.round(Math.random()*flist.length)]();
UPDATE `table1` AS t1 SET `amount` = (SELECT SUM(`amount`) FROM `table2` AS t2 WHERE t2.`query` = t1.`query` );
*/1 * * * * $HOME/path/to/script.py 2>&1 >> $HOME/cron.log
var president = MyApp.President.create({ firstName: "Barack", lastName: "Obama" }); president.get('fullName');
president.set('firstName', 'George'); president.set('lastName', 'Washington'); president.get('fullName');
yum reinstall tzdate