in a one-to-many association where the one-side is the inverse side, it holds a collection. The collection may be empty or not but there can always be a collection so it easy and correct to always put a proxy collection there.
If you have a single-valued side that is the inverse side, how can you decide whether to put a proxy object there or not? Without seeing the foreign key you have no way to distinguish between: There is no associated object (and thus putting a proxy object in place would by simply wrong) or there is one and of which type it is, if inheritance is involved (since putting a proxy of the wrong type in is also wrong).
$this instanceof Person
, ну либо на уровне твига сделать что-то вроде default_entity_manager: oracle_db
, либо где-то конфиг не совпадает, либо действительно баг $this->container->get("doctrine")->getManager('oracle_db');
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