Если кому-то будет интересно, оффициальный ответ службы поддержки компании Upwork.
I trust that you and your loved ones are safe and sound, specially during this very challenging times, my name is Ann and I am with Upwork Support Team.
I came across this ticket and realized that this is actually a chat transcript when you first attempted to connect to us ( but eventually had to leave or got disconnected due to the long wait time ). I am happy to address:
1. The answer to your question is HERE as well as HERE. It is only for proposals. it cant be allowed to be included in the Overview.
2. For the second question, you will need to have a Billing method that is active and verified before you can upgrade. The fee is monthly and you can see here: Freelancer Plus Agency, please see Agency Plus. You can downgrade anytime too, for information about billing please see: Membership Billing
I hope these answers your question to your satisfaction. If there is anything more you need help with that is not related to this original question, please don't hesitate to open us a new ticket. We can be reached at this email address: support@upwork.com you may use the email address linked to your Upwork Account to send us your inquiry.