<?php require_once("mysitedb.php");
$note_id = $_GET['note'];
$query = "SELECT created, title, article FROM notes WHERE id = $note_id";
$sel_note = mysqli_query($link, $query);
while ($note = mysqli_fetch_array($sel_note))
echo $note ['created'], "<br>";
echo $note ['title'], "<br>";
echo $note ['article'], "<br>";
$query_comments = "SELECT * FROM comments WHERE art_id = $note_id";
$s_note = mysqli_query($link, $query);
while ($n = mysqli_fetch_array($s_note))
echo $n ['created'], "<br>";
echo $n ['comment'], "<br>";
<?php require_once("mysitedb.php");
$query = "SELECT * FROM notes";
$select_note = mysqli_query($link, $query);
while ($note = mysqli_fetch_array($select_note))
echo $note['id'], "<br>";
<a href="comments.php?note=<?php echo $note['id']; ?>">
<?php echo $note ['title'], "<br>";?></a>
echo $note ['created'], "<br>";
echo $note ['article'], "<br>";?>
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* Sets up theme defaults and registers support for various WordPress features.
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function mesmerize_php_version_notice()
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