• Как отменить подписку Adobe без штрафа?

    Как отменить подписку Адоб без штрафа 2022

    Мой опыт:
    Заходим на Твитер службы поддержки адоб https://twitter.com/adobecare
    Пишем в лс что хотим отменить подписку без неустойки
    Вот мой диалог
    So I can't change my card for another one. I had my ex-boyfriend's card listed. Now we've broken up and he won't be able to pay for my lightroom anymore. My card cannot be linked. Hence, I need to cancel my subscription without commission, as the commission is illegal. I can cancel the purchase at any time if I wish .
    Thanks for sharing this information. I do see that we were not able to successfully charge your account for the November payment. We will cancel your subscription and follow up here with more details when that's done. ^ES

    Я: Thanks

    I confirm that I have canceled your plan and waived the termination fee. Please let us know if you have any other questions. ^ES

    Итог- подписка отменилась сразу же после их Сообщения. Ничего не списали.

    Надеюсь кому то поможет
    Ответ написан