Не знал, как реализовать задачку и нашел интересное решение на JS (
https://github.com/Automedon/CodeWars-6-kyu-Soluit... ) ,
решил переписать, но впервые встретился с map, split, reduce в swift.
Подскажите в чем глупости?
func evaluate(good: String, vsEvil evil: String) -> String {
let powerGood = [0: 1,1: 2,2: 3,3: 3,4: 4,5: 10]
let powertEvil = [0: 1,1: 2,2: 2,3: 2,4: 3,5: 5,6: 10]
let g = good.split(separator: " ").map { (v, i, arr) in
v * powerGood[i]! }.reduce(0, {a, b in
a + b
let e = evil.split(separator: " ").map { (v, i, arr) in
v * powertEvil[i]! }.reduce(0, {a, b in
a + b
return g > e ? "Battle Result: Good triumphs over Evil" : g == e ? "Battle Result: No victor on this battle field" : "Battle Result: Evil eradicates all trace of Good"
error : Cannot convert value of type 'String.SubSequence' (aka 'Substring') to expected argument type 'Int'
error: Contextual closure type '(String.SubSequence) throws -> Int' (aka '(Substring) throws -> Int') expects 1 argument, but 3 were used in closure body