Добрый день! Как правильно подключать css в sass
@import "../libs/bootstrap/scss/bootstrap-reboot.scss"
@import "../libs/bootstrap/scss/bootstrap-grid.scss"
@import "../libs/bootstrap/scss/utilities/_sizing.scss"
@import "../libs/jQuery.mmenu-master/jquery.mmenu.all" - это css
@import "../libs/fontawesome/css/fa-svg-with-js" - это css
в консоли выдает
DEPRECATION WARNING on line 4, column 8 of C:/Users/Nikolay/Desktop/fasovkin/dev/base/_libs.sass:
Including .css files with @impоrt is non-standard behaviour which will be removed in future versions of LibSass.
Use a custom importer to maintain this behaviour. Check your implementations documentation on how to create a custom importer.