Доброго времени суток, друзья. Решил освоить CENTOS и запустить на нем свой сайт. Установил LAMP, и закинул сайт, но выбивает ошибка 403.
ServerRoot "/etc/httpd"
Listen 80
Include conf.modules.d/*.conf
User apache
Group apache
ServerAdmin root@localhost
<VirtualHost *:80>
DocumentRoot /var/www/craftdevelop/public
<Directory /var/www/craftdevelop/public>
<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
Options -MultiViews
RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteRule ^ index.php [L]
# Deny access to the entirety of your server's filesystem. You must
# explicitly permit access to web content directories in other
<Directory />
AllowOverride none
Require all denied
DocumentRoot "/var/www"
<Directory "/var/www">
AllowOverride None
# Allow open access:
Require all granted
# Further relax access to the default document root:
<Directory "/var/www/craftdevelop/public">
Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
AllowOverride None
# Controls who can get stuff from this server.
Require all granted
<IfModule dir_module>
DirectoryIndex index.html index.php
<Files ".ht*">
Require all denied
ErrorLog "logs/error_log"
LogLevel warn
<IfModule log_config_module>
# The following directives define some format nicknames for use with
# a CustomLog directive (see below).
LogFormat "%h %l %u %t \"%r\" %>s %b \"%{Referer}i\" \"%{User-Agent}i\"" combined
LogFormat "%h %l %u %t \"%r\" %>s %b" common
<IfModule logio_module>
# You need to enable mod_logio.c to use %I and %O
LogFormat "%h %l %u %t \"%r\" %>s %b \"%{Referer}i\" \"%{User-Agent}i\" %I %O" combinedio
CustomLog "logs/access_log" combined
<IfModule alias_module>
ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ "/var/www/cgi-bin/"
<Directory "/var/www/cgi-bin">
AllowOverride None
Options None
Require all granted
<IfModule mime_module>
TypesConfig /etc/mime.types
AddType application/x-compress .Z
AddType application/x-gzip .gz .tgz
AddDefaultCharset UTF-8
<IfModule mime_magic_module>
MIMEMagicFile conf/magic
#EnableMMAP off
EnableSendfile on
# Load config files in the "/etc/httpd/conf.d" directory, if any.
IncludeOptional conf.d/*.conf
<VirtualHost *:80>
DocumentRoot /var/www/craftdevelop/public
<Directory /var/www/craftdevelop/public>
AllowOverride All
Буду очень благодарен за помощь. Я гуглил, но что то не так.